Tuesday, January 20, 2009

US Presidential Inauguration Day "Burek oboma"

Nope, I haven't misspelled our new president's name. I'm participating in blogger Muse-swings' Inaugural Celebration Events. Each participant is to post something in relation to the US Presidential Inauguration. For a special Serbian something, I consulted my friend Radovan, who accompanied my husband and me on our trip to Greece last summer. When I asked him what I could offer the President and his wife, he replied with a twinkle in his eye, "Burek oboma," which in Serbian means "burek for both of them." I can't think of anything more fitting for Barack Obama and the First Lady!

On this photo you can see Radovan with a plate of the crunchy-outside-but-filled-with-soft-white-cheese-inside burek, which many Serbs eat for breakfast or else late at night...sort of like the French used to do with onion soup at Les Halles. Burek is usually eaten with the fingers or nibbled on in the paper it's wrapped in, but for President Obama, I got out my nicer china and my grandmother's silver!


Vlada Jablanov said...

I don't know if anybody outside Serbia will understand this language joke....but I do...and I like it :-)))

And Burek & Yoghurt, of course :-))

Anonymous said...

Haha, very clever play on words there, Bibi! Svaka cast!

Right, I'm definitely getting some burek sa mesom (with meat), my favourite, tomorrow morning!


PS: Plus yoghurt of course!

Antjas said...

I will have to share this play on words with my father in Canada who loves Burek (cheese) and Barack!!

Ken Mac said...

that is beautiful lace!

Anonymous said...

i've never taste the food. but it looks good

MuseSwings said...

Bibi! How brilliant! A wonderful play on words and the burek looks absolutely delicious! It looks a lot like the Romanian placinta.

Tash said...

That is so very funny & a brilliant thought! I think everyone will get it with your usual expert explanation. Happy feasting. (Glad to see Radovan again too.)

Marie Reed said...

I wish that we could watch the inauguration together nibbling on this!

Jilly said...

What a fun post for today. Love the look of that goodie on the plate.

Great day for America and so for the world. He brings change and hope with intelligence, calm, charisma. I'll be glued to the television.

ninja said...

I love burek. If only I could get it here and not only on holidays.

Mim said...

Yummm - that looks delicious and what a great play on words

Thérèse said...

Oh Pat I saw the jogurts I like so much on the picture!
What a day!

MuseSwings said...

Bibi - I stopped by for another bite of that delicious burek obema. Your china and grandmother's silverware are just beautiful!

ChaChaneen said...

Oh that looks delicious! Funny post too by the way! ha ha Well stop by for some scones and tea later when you need an afternoon break! My ChaCha security detail will keep me busy today so I'll check back in with you all tonight!

Virginia said...

I'm sure the Obama's will enjoy this tasty treat. Yum!!! I also love grandma's silver and china. Lovely.

Richard Lawry said...

Looks tasty. I'm hungry and wish I had some.

An Arkie's Musings

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Bibi, just getting off the carriage provided by Muse (yes, it has wings ;)) and what an absolutely delightful and clever presentation.

The china is beautiful and the burek delicious! I'd love to get the recipe so that my father who was born in Belgrade can enjoy as well! Thank you, Bibi!

Have a wonderful day! Petra :))

Call Me Cate said...

That looks so tasty! And clever too, I like it!

Saretta said...

Cute wordplay! Are those crocheted curtains under the plate? They look very Italian!

Pat said...

Hello, Saretta. Yes, those are curtains that I folded, since I don't have a lace tablecloth... :>)

Blicky Kitty said...

Oh what a fun play on words and great cultural perspective!

marley said...

It looks and sounds delicious. I'm sure the new President will enjoy it!

Debby said...

A Serbian pun! I love it!

Chuck Pefley said...

Radovan is very wise -:) You're offering looks quite delicious, too.

raf said...

Wonderful post, Bibi! Like your creative nod to our new leader. Perfect! Also, enjoy your continued delightful posts on Serbian cuisine. And it's always fun to see what Radovan is up to. He and Henri seem like two of a kind - always quietly in the background, but nice to have around. :)

Marianne said...

I heard this word-play from my son while he was visiting. I'm fascinated by the way other cultures are playing around with the new US president's name.
A yummy photo.

clairz said...

Great word play. I want to come over for tea!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.