I was so excited the other morning when I saw that one of my
cacti had blossomed! A first for me! I grabbed my
Gorillapod and set it up on my table, along with the
cactus. Took a few shots with my 50mm (see above...), then decided to really go close with my macro. A few clicks later, the macro lens was on my Nikon on top of the little tripod. Oh, woe. In my haste, I didn't adjust the little twisty feet on the Gorillapod to support the somewhat heavier macro lens. It tipped over, and the lens hood on my macro lens deflowered the
cactus. I was devastated! But at least here's one photo...
Actually, I'm laughing about it now...
It's a very nice macro but I can't help laughing at your description...gotta watch those Gorillapods all the time!
Very funny. I am sure we have all had photographic mishaps. I am glad it was the flower you broke and not your lens.
I didn't know that gorillas ate cactus flowers. LOL ;-) Nice capture even if broken.
Les malheurs d'une photographe...
Echinopsis thelegona like in Az?
I have never seen a pink one.
Gorillapods should come with a warning. Good work on damage control.
Good lord, how did I miss your blog all this time? I could better concentrate on this flower if I could just stop thinking about Yuhor.
Well, at least you got a gorgeous photo out of your little gorillapod mishap!
Beautiful shot, even if fatal for the subject. At least you have immortalized its beauty. However, I couldn't help smiling when reading your description, because "deflowered," reminded me of "dépucelé" ... which conjured up rather fantastic Dalian images.
Gorillas are unpredictable, I guess -:)
You can always pin it back!!!
Oh dear! Great photo for a memory though!
Bonjour, Juliette. A vrai dire, j'ai utilise le mot 'deflowered' expres, comme jeu de mots.....:>)
J'ai bien aimé!
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