Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ABC Wednesday--"K" is for "knot"

Tie the knot is what my daughter and my new son-in-law did on September 19th. The day after, some visiting guests and I took a leisurely boat ride up the Sava River to the village of Jakovo, where I photographed these knots at the Fenek Monastery. The monastery dates from the second half of the 15th century, and the water there is said to have miraculous qualities. I splashed my face....

You should join ABC WEDNESDAY.


Unknown said...

This is the second knot post I saw today! GREAT idea for K! And holy cow am I ever loving that beautiful flower in the post below. Outstanding!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! a great idea it is! Love your photo! Congratulations to your daughter and son-in-law, too!



photowannabe said...

Clever use of the word Knot. I liked the closeup too. Good stuff. Congratulatons to the new addition to your family.

Lowell said...

Any miracles yet?

I wanted to say more, but my tongue got all twisted in a knot!

Bob Crowe said...

That's a very dramatic photo. It has a lot of tension and stress, the restorative effects of the local water notwithstanding.

Tumblewords: said...

These are particularly knotty knots. Congratulations to your daughter and new son-in-law.

Alexa said...

Love your choice for K! "Knots" loom rather large in my family, as my dad was a true sailor manqué, who was an expert at all sorts of sailor's knots. This is a great photo, and I love the colors too.

Marie-Noyale said...

Did you feel purified after the splash...
do you look 10 years younger??
Tell me I'll just have to come and visit!!!

Leslie: said...

We went to a wedding the same day and watched a beautiful young couple tie their knot and seal it with a kiss! :D said...

that background color is exquisite Bibi.
Did I say Congrats to you on your daughters wedding? I don't know what has happened to my brain lately, Congratulations to you & yours Bibi.
What a milestone!

magiceye said...

lovely take on the theme!
congratulations to the couple for entering wedded bliss!

Roger Owen Green said...

My daughter learned to tie her shoes last week, using a knot I'd never seen before.

Oh, your knot pic is nice.

B SQUARED said...

A very nice "K."

clairz said...

Very creative post! Will we be seeing some more photos of the monastery?

Pat said...

Hello, Clairz.

Perhaps I will post some more; one was especially nice...

Thérèse said...

Have you already seen any effect?
Let us know.

Shirl said...

Great minds think alike :D
Nice shot! Check out my knot!

Jay said...

That's a great knot picture! Interesting way the ropes are tied, too.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.