Thursday, September 24, 2009


While on an excursion near the village of Jakovo, not far from Belgrade, I came upon these signs on restroom doors. "Toalet" is the Serbian phonetic spelling of "toilet," but as you can see, someone needs to get their plurals straight. The interpretations of 'man' and 'woman' are clever, though!


Gaelyn said...

I love this originality! LOL
Maybe they are one seaters.

Julie said...

I've been lurking on your blog for a while - love your pictures.

This one reminds me of the time I was at a dog club and the bathroom doors said "setters" and "pointers". I think they may have actually had pictures of the dogs, and maybe not even though words. I have to admit, it took me a few moments to figure it out.

Lowell said...

Funny! Perhaps there are those who do not understand the differences between the two genders and thus need stick drawings?

Great fun, I think!

Shirl said...

This is great LOL Thanks for sharing!

Leif Hagen said...

Good to have a diagram so there's no confusion! Ha!

Julie said...

these are funny. good eye and great images.

Nishant said...

Funny! Perhaps there are those who do not understand the differences between the two genders and thus need stick drawings?
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Nishant said...

This is great LOL Thanks for sharing!
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Ha ha! I've seen some funny toilet signs in my time...but these are just great. Especially love the handbag on the woman's sign!!

Greetings from TORUN DAILY PHOTO here in Poland. Come and visit us sometime!


Hi Bibi...many thanks for the nice comment.

Actually, I have already posted many pics of our little Toruń statues.

Check out this link to see more of them!:

B SQUARED said...

That certainly eliminates one question I had.

Thérèse said...

Ignore your hands! Don't touch anything.

Marie-Noyale said...

Now I know which one to use!!!! ;~))

marley said...

Lol! They make it very clear!

Alexa said...

This gave me a laugh (good aim on the part of the man, eh?)!

Shadow said...

Now I know that if I ever come to visit, I won't be confused in the bathroom. One less thing to worry about...phew!

soulbrush said...

roflol hilarious.

Marie Reed said...

lol! I like how the woman has her little purse perched on the floor too!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.