Friday, September 25, 2009

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--not waiting for the bus.

I was actually on a cruise boat with some friends when I took this photo. Many people now choose to walk across Branko's Bridge, rather than wait for a hot, stuffy bus.



Tash said...

Another WOW shot, 'Bibi'.
Stunning in beauty and content.

clairz said...

Bibi, I am glad to have discovered your blog through Skywatch. Sometimes I feel a little like an ex-pat myself, being a New Englander living in New Mexico!

I will come back and spend some more time wandering around your Belgrade via your blog. In the meantime, thank you for this photo.

Gaelyn said...

I like the church steeple against the clear sky. Good capture from a boat.

marley said...

Great bus/boat photo! I love the light on the spire/steeple.

eileeninmd said...

What a great photo! I love the angle looking up at the church steeple. Walking is good!

Virginia said...

You outdid yourself on this one. Fab composition and light and every darn thing.

Unknown said...

Nicely done. Looks like a grand steeple attached to the bridge. ;D said...

Beautiful details in the steeple. I like the lone man walking too.

Lori Skoog said...

Great fact, I like all the shots on your blog!

Thérèse said...

Whenever he had the choice my husband was walking to avoid the stuffy bus... thirty years ago... lol. Nothing ever changes.

magiceye said...

super shot!

B SQUARED said...

I think I'd walk too.

Alexa said...

Glad you were ready with your camera to capture this little moment in time—it's stunning!

Lowell said...

Terrific photo. Another vivid reminder as to why one should always carry a camera!

Can't blame the guy for walking - good exercise and fresh air would beat a hot, stuffy bus every time.

I think. Maybe the bridge is several miles long? Yikes!

soulbrush said...

such a clear day.

James said...

I like this shot very much. Infact a couple months ago I tried one just like it but it wasn't very good. Yours is fantastic.

Gunn said...

A very nice shot!:-)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.