Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ABC Wednesday 'J' is for 'Just by accident'

I truly do not remember exactly what I did to get this photo to appear as it does. I usually just sharpen and adjust the lighting on Picture Perfect (my Nikon software) but sometimes use the Shadow/Highlight feature on Photoshop. I think that's what I was doing when at one point this photo rendition appeared! I kind of like it, so I left it the way Photoshop suggested... Just by accident.



Mara said...

I love it! The colours of the roofs and sides of those buildings gets very pronounced! Just by accident? I would call it serendipity :)

Sylvia K said...

Yes, serendipity indeed! A great shot with a mood and tone all it's own. I love it!

Have a great day!


Gaelyn said...

Nice accident, I really like it. Photo manipulation is an art in itself. Are those foating homes?

Alexa said...

Oh, what a happy accident then! And the image itself is really lovely.

James said...

Ah, very cool. I do the same thing sometimes.

Lowell said...

Some accidents are unhappy, but some are happy ones! This is a happy one! I like it a lot!

Thérèse said...

Perfect for a good introduction to Atumn!

Tash said...

Looks like an old time painting. I think the composition is so good with the reflections and textures and the colors so it really works like this.
PS - forgive me for not leaving a note earlier but just wanted to congratulate your daughter again - you have two very beautiful children.

magiceye said...

very pretty image!!!

Marie Reed said...

Photoshop sure is a clever tool!!!

Kate said...

It looks like a painting, a good one! I love your header and feel like I could reach out, grab a plum, and take a bite!!

This is Just to Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

William Carlos Williams

B SQUARED said...

Sometimes accidents produce our best work.

Jane Hards Photography said...

As you know me and Photoshop are not that au fait. I do love the effect though. One day I might just throw caution to the wind a dive in just for fun.

Jay said...

I have a few of those happy accidents, too! Photoshop seems to get a glitch at times, doesn't it? I've had it turn my images into shades of red, or blue and green, or just all fuzzy. I'm sure sometimes it's something I've hit by accident, but mostly not. I think it caches too much and then gets clogged and can't think what it's doing. LOL!

Love the image, however you arrived by it!

marley said...

Yeah, it makes the photo look really good (not that the original was rubbish I'm sure!)

Roger Owen Green said...

I love the accidental art. said...

Hi Bibi!
sometimes accidents produce the greatest creations. this looks like a painting. very cool.

Nishant said...

Yes, serendipity indeed! A great shot with a mood and tone all it's own. I love it.
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Bradley Hsi said...

It looks like a HDR image that is created using software such as Photomatix. Very striking.

Jilly said...

A beautiful effect making it like a painting. Love it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.