Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ABC Wednesday "H" is for "High, high heels!"

I'm really amazed by some shoes nowadays and wonder if I ever would have succombed to fashion to buy a pair with such high heels. They seem like a twisted ankle just waiting to happen.

See what others have posted for ABC Wednesday.


Sylvia K said...

Oh, I think the same thing every time I see a pair like these! What a great idea for the H day though!! Hope you're having a great week!


James said...

This reminds me of part of a Cheech and Chong song from 1974. "My basketball coach
He done kicked me off the team
Wearing high heel sneakers
And dressing like a queen."

Olivier said...

il ne manque plus que de trouver les cendrillons qui vont avec ces chaussures ;)

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» thinks that these would not be easy to walk in - and has not one regret that he won't be able to try to do so...

photowannabe said... does anyone even walk in those things? I bet they cost a fortune too.
Great H post.

Suburban Girl said...

Now those are some interesting shoes. Can you really walk with them on? I wonder.

Jilly said...

Lordy, I thought we were in Monaco for a moment!

x_pEpPeRoNi_x said...

Would definitely take some getting used to to walk in these! :P

Thérèse said...

Any notice coming with the shoes on how to use them?

Virginia said...

Does that shoe say BEBE??? Well they're not for me!

Monika said...

aaah i love heels and i think i would be able to walk in them though surely will not be comfortable

B SQUARED said...

I believe women will never truly be liberated till they get rid of their high heels. Looking at these shoes only reinforces my belief.

Daryl said...

Back in the day, I wore platform Kork-Ease all year 'round .. in winter I wore them with Hot Sox with multicolored toes .. I was a hip hippie.

Nowadays I wear low heels most of the time tho I lust after some of the higher heel boots I know my back disagrees so I dont give in .. but I did buy a pair of very high heel sandals, about 2 yrs ago, I am still waiting for the right occasion ..

The ones on the left dont do it for me, but those on the right .. ohhh la la

Lowell said...

Stilts? Funny thing is Lois and I were out shopping today and we walked past a shoe store which had all these shoes with 4 + inch heels and I commented that I thought they were a disaster waiting to happen.

Wanda said...

Oh my goodness, my feet hurt just looking at them.

Great ABC "H"!

Chuck Pefley said...

So, are these your new shoes for that wedding coming up later this year? Egads!!!

jay said...

Oh, yikes! I could never wear anything like that! It hurts just to look at them! LOL!

Tumblewords: said...

They look dangerous to me - even more so than the ones I used to wear when a broken ankle never crossed my thoughts! :) Great post.

dana said...

No way in _ell would I be wearing shoes that high! LOL!

prashant said...

those are some interesting shoes. Can you really walk with them on? I wonder.
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