Thursday, March 11, 2010

Theme Day - The Tenin Technique

It's still darn cold out there and I couldn't relish lying on the sidewalk or muddy I opted for a Bibi at Home shot. A little fuzzy, but she kept moving...

Thanks to Eric Tenin of Paris Daily Photo for getting me blogging. I found his blog in early 2008 while looking for a good site to send my friend in NYC for her upcoming trip to Paris.

I'll be celebrating my own anniversary (the second!) on March 14th, so check back!

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Chuck Pefley said...

Whoo-hoo! I'm the first to see that cute furry (fuzzy) face! You were very prudent opting for a warm indoor rendition today. Nice imitation -:)

Ann said...

Beautiful, and much more sensible than outside in the cold.

Lowell said...

Ah, Bibi...nice of you to pose. And I understand how hard it is to sit still while your photographer mistress fiddles with camera and tries to get properly positioned and fools with the lighting...I mean, what can a doggie do?

Louis la Vache said...

Bibi is thinking Who ARE all these people looking at me?!

glduro_marieloupe said...

Bibi will have approved the idea and photo ... said...

Very cute and an interesting way to celebrate this special day.

Alexa said...

Aaah, the beautiful Bibi with the Hapsburg jaw! I too posted a "Tenin perspective" shot today, and I really hope he can see all our tributes. Yours probably takes the cake!

Jilly said...

Oh that little face is so perfect. What a lovely tribute to Eric and hey, not long as it's your anniversary. I'll be back, of course! Big kiss to Bibi!

Hilda said...

Aww, sweet!

Tash said...

You've got the technique down...and who needs to go out when you've got that darling face right there.

Kim said...

I see someone reflected in Bibi's eyes :-). That sweetie needs some pets and loves for being such a great theme day model amidst the pretty carpetscape.

PS, can't wait until your 2nd! And, I laughed so hard when I read your "mug shot" comment. You are too clever!

Roger Owen Green said...

happy anniversary. You have the same temp as Albany, NY, US (though it's 7:15 a.m., not 1:15 pm), and we think it's WARM!

Leif Hagen said...

the life of a dog in Belgrade - a tough job!

Thérèse said...

Un bel hommage vers Eric!
La photo aurait certainement été plus floue si vous l'aviez pris de dos. Je peux imaginer son excitation à vous tenir si près d'elle...

Chin said...

So cute.
btw btw, i gave you an Sunshine award. :)

Daryl said...

Sweet Bibi ... my cat thinks a photo session is her cue to come lick the lens!

Anonymous said...

What a monkey face. said...

oh my gosh is she beautiful!!!! what a face. I bet she gets everything she wants!
& a perfect tribute to the great Eric too!

Anzu said...

Hi! Bibi ♪
You are a charming lady dog.

I believe you are
my Goma's distant relatives.

Julie said...

so cute and enjoyable. i can't help but smile. great tribute

Petrea Burchard said...

Darling Bibi is a perfect choice, Pat! I'm late but I'm finally visiting all the Eric tributes. (It's going to take me all week, I think!) I hope your weather warms up soon. But you have a great photo model indoors.

prashant said...

Beautiful, and much more sensible than outside in the cold.
home based data entry


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.