Sunday, June 13, 2010

SUNDAY BRIDGES-- The Goose Bridge

A family of geese has temporarily taken over this dilapidated bridge that once led to a platform in the Sava River. The gander was quite concerned when I took his photo....

This post is for Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges meme.


Pam Lane said...

What good parents! I like how they've taken up stations at both ends.

Kim said...

Very fun to see who is using this bridge. :-) The goslings are so cute. I like mom and pop's white the way it pops in contrast with the black lines of the rails and the taupe of the water.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it. What a beautiful family!

Unknown said...

a sweet photo. a day of adventure to this family.:p

Gaelyn said...

Looks like responsible parents. I love the goose bridge house idea. You always spot the most interesting activities.

Tash said...

They look just like from a painting. Goslings are just darling.

Louis la Vache said...

Great shot, Bibi, and a unique contribution to Sunday Bridges!

EG CameraGirl said...

This shot has charm! It's wonderful.

Jilly said...

Love this. Such a different take on a bridge - oh and Kim's guitar bridge today! Love your family of geese and that shadow and light and colour and movement. Superb. said...

I can see there is some excitement happening over there with some feathers flying about! Great capture Bibi.
: )

Alexa said...

Papa Goose definitely has his beady little eye on the local papparazzo—you!

VioletSky said...

Nice to see the bridge is still useful!
(We only have Canada Geese, so it is always nice to see these white ones!)

Mo said...

Perfect timing. A great image.

Suburban Girl said...

Looks like they are leaving quite the mess too!

Halcyon said...

This is my favorite bridge today. Too funny!

Leif Hagen said...

What an original, fun geese BRIDGE! Blue ribbon award for that one, Bibi!

Kaori said...

And they're not letting anyone take over! Great photo ;D

Lowell said...

Ganders don't take light roving photographers who may or may not be up to no good! I mean if he takes a gander at you, how's a gander to know?

A dahling shot!

Serline said...

Yup, never underestimate that docile look. Ganders can be very protective and aggressive. I've had my share of close shaves...

Kitty said...

is that a baby goose in the middle? Eek.

That is very cool that the geese use this bridge, dear things.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.