Wednesday, July 7, 2010

ABC Wednesday "Y" is for "Yikes! I've been shot!"

It had to happen. I knew I'd been taking chances...photographing ladies in bikinis, people unaware in the bus, sleeping in the park....and now I've been shot.

The story is this: I was attracted to the Perrier 'bush' (it's plastic) and went to take a photo. Then I thought it was ironic that the sign says "I love juice," which of course Perrier is not. That was to be my photo.

I get home, upload the photo, touch up the contrast, adjust the lighting, and lo and behold, a sniper!

He must have been shooting blanks...didn't feel a thing.

But, just between you and me, don't you think it looks like Eric?

See what others have been shooting at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Gaelyn said...

That is just Too Funny! Someone else likes those candid shots.

Luis Gomez said...

This is so great!

Leif Hagen said...

Ha ha - he got you! Funny discovery back at your computer at home!

B SQUARED said...

Amazing what we don't see till the computer is fired up.

Bob Crowe said...

As they say, turnabout is fair play. I wonder how much each of us has been photographed while photographing?

Olivier said...

une autre version de l'arroseur arrosé ;o)) said...

ha! (for some reason the 'Eric' link wasn't working so I will check back on that.) Meanwhile, I often wonder when I will be shot at as well!
I love this topiary Bibi.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
"Here's lookin' at ya, kid!"

Alexa said...

Good one! Hey, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I get shot about 20 times a day, when I'm walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. And yes, Eric with a couple of extra pounds maybe.

Daryl said...

Dont you love surprises like that?

Gayle said...

I'll bet he was taking a picture of the tree, too and was just as surprised to see YOU in HIS picture! Great shot.

Tash said...

Camera shots are a good thing. Looks like a "Bibi" paparazzi. I wonder if he'll be posting your photo...that would be just too funny. Great composition with Perrier.

jay said...

Hahahahahahahaha! I did that once to someone. He was taking a picture inside the train I was riding on, and it included me. So I whipped out my phone and took one of him, too! LOL!

It's a great picture, just as it is, because the 'sniper' makes it funny, but if you wanted to fix it, you could. Just darken that part of the window area. Easy as pie in Photoshop!

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, how funnY this is! Love it... Fine Perrier bottle, for sure.

Roger Owen Green said...

it's all TOO funny, including your original premise.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Lowell said...

What goes around comes around. Don't know about the likeness to Eric, though! Maybe it was him himself!

Chuck Pefley said...



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.