Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A little sooner than we thought....

Baby Mila (MEE-la) arrived a bit sooner than we thought, weighing in at 2.8 kilos (6.2 lbs) and measuring 48 cm (19 inches). Isn't she cute?? And it you think it's cute how they write the baby's name on the diaper wrapping, wait until you see tomorrow's photo....


Anonymous said...

nek je sa srecom...prelepa je:))))

Anonymous said...

one can not experience bigger happiness in life than this.Congratulations to all the family.She is such a beautiful baby and such a nice name;)
And you are lucky too to arrive just in time;)

Luis Gomez said...

CONGRATULATIONS! this is wonderful. I am so glad you were there for the arrival of Mila.

Marianne said...

Welcome to baby Mila, can't wait to meet her and hold her.
Fairy Godmother

Leif Hagen said...

Congratulations, Grandma Bibi! Glad everything went well! All the best to the rest of your family, too!
Did you get a photo of the stork?!

Alexa said...

Well, didn't you make it home just in time? She is beyond beautiful (and I knew it was a girl)! Love that gorgeous head of hair. :~}

Olivier said...

il est tres mignon , cela fait toujours craquer un bebe ;) longue et belle vie

Gaelyn said...

You made it home just in time to welcome this beautiful baby Mila.

canngil said...

Sounds like she waited for her Baba to get home before making her grand entrance! Congratulations!!
She is adorable!

J e l e n a said...

Congratulations Bibi! What a beautiful little girl, and a beautiful name she has got. Her hair is fantastic. In which hospital do they write the names on the diapers? Zvezdara, Front, Zemun...Did the friend of your son get his shirt shred to pieces according to our tradition?

Thérèse said...

So precious!
Mila waited for you to come home...
Congratulations to the parents!

knez011 said...

Cute baby. Congratulations!

Daryl said...

Adorable .. such a nice head of hair!

Tash said...

Oh, she is adorable! Look at all that dark, long hair. Congratulations to all of you. So glad you arrived home before the big event.

Lisa said...

Mila is so adorable. Congratulations for having a beautiful angel.

Lisa from guitar-lessons-motivating-desire

Nika said...

Congratulations! Wishing you all much health and joy!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.