Monday, July 18, 2011

Back in Belgrade!

Back in Belgrade, just in time for a big event, which you can probably guess at from this photo of my daughter-in-law's belly. Sometime before the end of the month, our family will increase by 1. And we know what it will be, but I'll keep you guessing for a little while.....


Anonymous said...

Oh you couldn't choose better time than this..summer in Belgrade and awaiting such a bundel of joy;)Looking forward to your pics from the city I was born in and love deeply.
p.s thought will let you know.I am celebrating 100 followers on my blog with nice giveaway:2 fabulous cookbooks.It is open to everyone to join and you never know;)

Luis Gomez said...

Really happy for you. I am glad you are back home.

Leif Hagen said...

Good luck to your family's expansion! Do tell the when the stork arrives safely..... I bet it's a girl!
Welcome back to Belgrade, Bibi!

Olivier said...

pas trop dur de quitter son pays natal ? said...

Awww...I love the heart!
such happy times! & your daughter-in-law looks very fit for her impending labor too, a wonderful plus.
I am guessing a girl since from this angle the baby looks low in the belly.

Thérèse said...

The last weeks are the longest. Don't forget to tell your daughter in law to sleep as much as she can because once "baby" boy or girl ;-)) is home peaceful nights are only a souvenir for a long long time...

Gaelyn said...

Such a wonderful treat to come home to.

J e l e n a said...

Welcome back Bibi, and what a wonderful summer awaits you. From the red shirt I say it is a girl.
Kalemegdan is waiting for your photos and the sculptures of cows all over the city.

Alexa said...

Have really enjoyed all your posts from home over here in the States, and looking forward to more from the home you chose—especially the little person coming soon. (My WV is extra. Fitting!)

Tash said...

That is so precious. And soooo exciting. Welcome back home. Bet everyone there is so glad to have you back.

Vlada Jablanov said...

Dobrodošli :)

I čestitke :))))

Daryl said...

Mazel tov! And while I am sure she doesnt think so, she's carrying very small .. I am betting on a girl

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Welcome home! What a wonderful time to return and we will anxiously await the news. Congratulations!



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.