Wednesday, November 7, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY "Q" is for "quirky"

Isn't this guy cool....sort of.  He looks like a distant relative of Colonel Sanders. Another one of my hip shots from afar.  Check out the white steering wheel cover and the white towel on the seat of his car....

See other Q's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...


Reader Wil said...

Very cool indeed! Thanks for taking part in the ABC meme.
Wil, ABC Team.

Roger Owen Green said...

not everyone can pull off that look...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

Kind of a combination of pimp/hippie/weirdo! lol

abcw team

Lowell said...

This is a fantastic shot. But I'm at a loss for words. Maybe he's a pimp? What a get-up. Of course, if this was taken in the U.S. south he could easily be a Baptist preacher! :-)

photowannabe said...

I was going to say about the same thing as Leslie.
He is definitely quirky.

Alexa said...

You know how I love your "sneaky" shots. He should tuck his shirt in and change his shoes. I got to copy edit Tom Wolfe once—a real Southern gentleman who knows how to pull off this look with rare style.

Gaelyn said...

You are superb at those candid hip shots. Lovin' Mr Clean.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love this shot! He is probably not Colonel Sanders but maybe his son?

Olivier said...

La classe, ce smoking blanc said...

he definitely marches to the beat of his own drum - something I actually admire.
I wish I could master the hip shot like you do. & re the seat & wheel, you don't miss anything Bibi.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

A very appropriate choice. Some time ago I used to participate in this meme, and the weekly challenge was very stimulating.

Daryl said...

i do believe you are the Queen of on the street photography .. another wonderful shot


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.