Sunday, April 20, 2008

Easter bells and willow branches

Since Serbian Orthodox Easter falls on April 27th this year, today is Palm Sunday or Vrbice, the last Sunday before Easter when willow branches (vrbica=Vur-BEET-sa) are carried or worn as wreaths by little children, who hang little bells with Serbian tricolor ribbons—red, blue, and white—around their necks and parade three times around the church.


vero said...

Nice photo and beautiful religious symbol. I like know the tradition of other country; I think that the difference can become rich!

Anonymous said...

This is a neat post and informative one too. That event you describe with the children parading around the church three times must be a photographer's dream event.

Louis la Vache said...

Louis la Vache enjoyed browsing your blog. He's adding a link to it at his "San Francisco Daily Photo".

Louis sees that M. Lincoln has been here! Old Abe really gets around - and it's always nice to see him!

Chuck Pefley said...

I like the tiny gold bell. Nice contrast with the purple and green.

Anonymous said...

I am Serbian from Niš Living in Australia now and Im glad people like yourself can see the true beauty of Serbia and not what the media makes us out to be. Such historic land, wonderful people, passionate culture and scenic drives through remote villages are just some of the things that make up the beauty of this land. maybe a little prettier before the bombing but just as good today. I wish more people could appreciate our wonderful land. Your site is fantastic :-)


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