Friday, April 4, 2008

His feet, her feet

Couldn't resist posting this photo today, for the forecast announces rain, and this girl's stockings and shoes are so bright.... Just about everyone who passed her was transfixed by her jazzy combination.


USelaine said...

I love this photo. Perfectly charming.

pas-a-pas said...

ce qui est bien c'est la composition, le sol, le mur, les jambes, une partie de la jupe, et les couleurs aux tons un peu pastel.
Très chouette.

Gaëlle said...

Nice shot and I love her stockings and shoes!

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

Wonderful shot!

Chuck Pefley said...

and made all that much nicer by the monochromatic surroundings. Lovely!!

Petrea Burchard said...

Really. Chuck's right. You caught her in the best place, those stockings and shoes set off by the pavement. What a lovely shot.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.