Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pots and pans

The company Metalac (May-TAHL-ahts), located about 120 kilometers from Belgrade in Gornji Milanovac (GOR-nyee Me-LAHN-oh-vahts), is one of the most successful producers of enameled, teflonized, and Inox kitchenware in Europe. The 46 year-old company exports 70% of its production to France, England, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia, USA, and Australia. Recently this year Metalac participated in the Housewares Show in Chicago. My guess is that this lady on one of Belgrade's large green markets is reselling some mismatched pieces of enameled pots and pans she may have purchased at the factory. She's even offering some carrots and parsley to cook in them!


Anonymous said...

My wife just bought her second set of teflonized skillets in different sizes and they were made in Europe but I don't think it says where.

I like your photograph of this lady selling her wares.

Dan said...

I like the pic. Seems like there is a thriving marketplace like this in Belgrade, is that the case?

Chuck Pefley said...

I love European markets and am always amazed at the rolling shops that move from town to town. Great idea to include some vegetables along with the pot.

Pat said...

Hello, all of you! Just to answer Dan, yes, many people here who are otherwise unemployed make a living or ends meet by reselling articles. I'll be posting more such photos.

vero said...

This photo, remember me the market of Split, where many old women, sell the products of own garden, together others articles, very different. Thanks for memory

Kim said...

Belated congratulations on your 31st wedding anniversary. I hope it was a special day for you both. It fell on my older brother's birthday, which I celebrated by attending a concert. So, I was with you in spirit on the happy occasion.

The enamel ware here reminds me of a long forgotten brown set we had when we first married, and which I just loved because someone had given us matching tea towels and I made matching kitchen curtains. I'd forgotten all that 'til just now. :-)
Seattle Daily Photo


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.