Friday, April 25, 2008

Close encounters of the canine kind

This photo is not quite in focus, but I'm sure you'll understand why. Here in Belgrade there is a leash law, as well as a law that larger dogs must wear a muzzle (logical or not; little ones bite, too). I must admit I regularly violate the former, but I really have a problem with when it comes to potentially aggressive dogs that run unsupervised and out of the owner's control. The owner of this male pit bull didn't seem to be too concerned when it came over to check out Bibi (female) that I had picked up. I can't help wonder what would have happened if our visitor had taken a dislike to her. (At least I'd have had a photo of the aggressor....)


Anonymous said...

There is or should be a fine against this. The dog is not at fault but the owner is. I am glad it worked out for you and your dog. Nice shot too.

Dan said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog. My son will get a thrill when he sees a post from someone who has benefitted from the efforts of the American Cancer Society! Also, thanks for including me in your favorites, very much appreciated.

I am out running almost every day and have had more than my share canine encounters. There have been plenty of horror stories of people being mauled by pit bulls. So, I am not a big fan of folks who let their dogs run free.

Recently around here I have noticed some fenced areas specifically for people who want to let their dogs run free. I think this is a great idea. Do you have anything similar there?

Pat said...

Hi, Dan! No, no dog parks here. There are laws as I mentioned, plus scoop laws, but they're rarely adhered to or enforced. I'm afraid it's pretty much the Balkan version of the Wild West.

Anonymous said...

The Balkan version of the Wild West, nicely said !!

What did you do first? Take the photo and then pick Bibi up, or the reverse?

I guess this dog has had a peaceful upbringing. Lucky you, at least this time.

Thanks for coming over for tea today. I enjoyed your visit!

Pat said...

First picked up, then photo!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Your story reminds me how one time I was walking down the street and someone walking behind me had their German shepherd running free. The dog ran alongside me and when he passed a little boy on the sidewalk he stuck his snout in the boys face, just for a sniff, but it startled the boy who started to cry. The boy's father was standing there and gave me an angry look and seemed to be expecting me to apologize because it appeared that the dog was mine! I was like, "Don't look at me!!!"

Petrea Burchard said...

I'm a dog owner and I love to let my dog run free. My dog is gentle, but I have to be sensitive to the fact that he doesn't "look" gentle. And some people are afraid of dogs. As a dog owner, I am responsible for my dog's behavior, and I'm of the opinion that I should be in control of my dog and not let him near you until you say you want to meet him.

Pit bulls, by the way, have been much maligned. They're powerful, yet gentle by nature. They're so easily trained that some bad people have taken advantage of that. In the right family, they make great pets.

christ said...

Hello, i will be moving to Belgrade to the canadian embassy this July from Canada. I have a staffordshire terrier(pitbull dog), he is 2 years old, fixe, vaccined, micro chip and he had a obience course 1-2-3 done. I would like to know if he is allowed in Belgrade. If you can not help me with my question, can you refer me to some one else please?

Thank you very much for your time.

Pat said...

Hello! Your question is a tricky one. I THINK, though am not positive, that by law pit bulls are not allowed in the city, BUT like just about every other law here, that's ignored, and you'll see them everywhere. You'll probably impress everyone with your dog's good manners, and could do a lot to help those owners who have non-aggressive pit bulls. I hope you read this, since I can't find your email address! Let me know!

christ said...

Do you have a adress or phone number where i could write to, to have the information.

Pat said...

Hi! If you are coming to the Canadian Embassy, you should get in touch with them about this, since they will most likely have info about bringing in dogs in general, rules, etc. Personally, I don't think you'll have any problem; here there are laws for lots of things, but generally they're not enforced...

christ said...

Ok thanks!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.