Monday, May 26, 2008

A dose of vitamin D with sunscreen, I hope.

It was quite warm the other day, and as I was walking along the quay of the Sava River, I saw this gentleman enjoying the sun's rays. I think he is actually wearing a Speedo-type bathing suit, but often you'll see men sitting around in the sun their underwear. (I've also seen some ladies in their bras.) People here aren't always so shy about removing articles of what I might deem necessary outer clothing.


bitingmidge said...

Another lovely shot and a great observation!

I've often wondered about what it is that makes "underwear" so special. Here it's not unusual to see people in supermarkets even, wearing quite brief bathing suits without a second glance, but if they were only clad in underwear it would be a different thing!

Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

iBlowfish said...

Cool street photo, we don't see that much people half naked in the streets of my city. Nicely done!

lv2scpbk said...

I bet he didn't know he was going to be on the Internet. LOL.


Very amusing shot. It is full of Eastern European charm (the almost nude figure, the graffiti, the concrete bench). Well done for capturing this! Greetings from TORUŃ DAILY PHOTO here in Poland! Today the dinosaurs attacked! ;-)

Anonymous said...

If you got it show it. I mean I would not like to see "me" in my shorts even on my back, in a photo like this. When I was 22, it would have been OK.

Dan said...

Lol, well social norms vary! I think I would get away with this once. Then, my wife would probably have some instructions for me ;)

I really like the pic. Great to peek into another culture and get a different perspective.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's a mainland Europe thing. Partly the climate, partly the lack of inhibitions. Haven't seen Speedo - Type attire for a while. He looked a very happy chappie. Excellent shot.

Pilar said...

Hello! I have found your blog and I'm so glad for it!! I dont know exactly how I have arrived, maybe looking for some information about Balkans. Im so in love of this region!! but I just have been in Slovenia (nox exatly a Balcanic country)and a little in Croatia, but I hope be able to make a big trip to know better all that zone.

So you go right now to my favourites, your photos are very good and curious!
Kind regards from Spain and So sorry for my english!!!

Louis la Vache said...

A relative of this guy, perhaps?

Pilar said...

Hey, thanks for your comment, your spanish was pretty good!!

Kind regards, and I hope new photos from Belgrade in your beautiful blog!!

¡Hasta pronto!

Petrea Burchard said...

Great photo, Bibi. The guy looks fine in his speedo/undies. It might not be a bad idea if we were a little more comfortable about this sort of thing in my part of the world. It would take some getting used to, but I could manage it.

Pilar, your English is much better than my Spanish. You sound fine.

Kim said...

Wonderful capture, Pat. He's looking good at that age and has no reason to be shy in public. And bitingmidge has a point. In SoCal and AZ it is so common to see people in their swim suits at the market, yet underwear would NOT be seen in the sam light. Well, Petrea, Pasadena (as I knew it once upon a time as the city of the "old rich") is a little more uptight than some parts of LA, but in the beach towns this is the way it goes. Wouldn't it be cool to Photoshop a beach background in for this gentleman? :-)
Seattle Daily Photo

Petrea Burchard said...

Hehe, I wish you weren't right about that, Kim!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.