Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pump 'em up!

Buildings (see yesterday's post) aren't the only things that need a lift sometimes. The sign above this bra says, "with a pump," and sure enough, if you click on the photo, you'll see the little pump that comes with this piece of lingerie. It's an imported item, or so it seems, since the instructions are in English...


USelaine said...

I don't think an itsy-bitsy pump would be sufficient to do what would need to be done for me! Looks like something for the young.

Louis la Vache said...

Where are Madonna's "cones"?
Inquiring minds want to know!

"Louis la Vache"

Chuck Pefley said...

I'm speechless! Well, almost. I suppose these might be popular with the boating set, and eliminate the need for those less than sheik PFD's (personal floatation device) when out on your yacht.

Pat said...

Ha, you guys, your comments are good! Chuck--when we meet this summer, remind me to tell you a funny joke related to this post...

I like your new picture---self-portrait??

Anonymous said...

Well, they also have such things to plump up butts. I have not seen them personally, but I have heard about them. I would be astonished to see a lady pumping up her bra.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Bra-vo for showing such an uplifting image. Seriously, what a hideous contraption. These horrid little inventions adorn many a boutique window in the UK. I am truly sorry they have reached your shores.You can tell when someone is wearing one, especially when one cup deflates. Not a pretty site.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.