Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Two for one today!

I just had to post both these photos today. The first one is one of my "belly shots," taken waist level so the subject won't know I'm snapping away. This little lady is selling violets and a vegetable that I don't know the name of in English, so if anyone does, please tell me! (It's not spinach and it isn't chard.) The poster reads, "Kosovo is Serbia." I bought all her violets and all of the "zelje," (ZEL-yay) as it's known here, which is good steamed, and then you add crushed garlic and sour cream; yum. I persuaded her to let me take her portrait, but as soon as I pointed the camera at her, she put on her mug shot expression. The man selling shoelaces next to her managed to tease her so I could get a smile! (I took his photo a bit earlier on through another "belly shot"!)


Belgrade Daily Photo said...

This woman is practically a local celebrity. I've seen her posing for photographs before!

Chuck Pefley said...

Wonderful photos and story, Bibi. Sounds like you bought her out? Nice gesture! Interesting Belgrade Daily Photo say's s/he's seen this woman posing for photos before. This idea would square with the prostrate beggar women I've encountered in Venice. They look quite pathetic and very religious as they supplicate themselves on bridge steps. Early one morning, however, I happened upon a group of 3 of these women apparently having an organizational meeting in a quiet corner with coffee and croissants, smiling and laughing. This private scene was diametrically opposed to their public persona. Anyway, no idea if your photogenic woman falls into the same category. I really like her care and age-worn face.

Pat said...

If she's used to posing, she sure didn't let on. I must have taken about 10 shots before the shoelace man got a rise out of her!

vero said...

Nice photo, I love this lady, in her face there are signs of age and work. Her expression is simply, but contemporary gently

Corey Templeton said...

great portrait

Dogeared said...

How great to see such a character - that's a face that looks well lived in and as though she's seen a lot of life. Great photo!

lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful story. She looks like she may have had a hard life.

Dan said...

Dan was wondering how to take pictures of people without them noticing. I will have to pass on the secret of the "belly shot." This picture is great and and I love her smile. I am so happy that you bought her out. You must have made her day.

Anonymous said...

I've visited your site many times and wanted to thank you for your lovely pictures and comments. My parents were from Hrvatska (now living in Canada for the past almost 60 years) and were always strong believers in a united Jugoslavia. My father recently wrote an editorial to his local paper criticizing the Canadian government because they recognized the separation of Kosovo without understanding the history and that "Kosovo is Serbia". The lady's craggy face reminds me of my Baka.

Is the zelje kale?

Pat said...

Thank you, Antjas. I enjoyed reading your comments, and hope you'll continue to browse my blog. We're all pretty nervous about elections here on Sunday. If the wrong people get in, it's back to the early 90's.

Pat said...

Antjas, by the way, "zelje" isn't kale, since I know what that is. My most recent search says it's some kind of collards, but I'll have to try them in the US!

Anonymous said...

Antjas: Once one recognizes the history and the current reality, anyone would realize that Kosovo is a separate nation from Serbia. After all, Kosovo was only forcibly annexed to Serbia around 1913. That was a mistake, and now the mistake is over. Saying "Kosovo is Serbia" is like saying "Poland is Germany".


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.