Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Still good for more kilometers

It's the shoes, I think, that are still good for some more kilometers, not the baby carriage that's seen better days. See anything you like? :<)


Louis la Vache said...

What great photos - the shoe-laden baby carriage and the "two for one" below!

Chuck Pefley said...

Parallel world events is an interesting phenomenon. I photographed some used shoes yesterday as well. My thought as I saw them was "I could have sold this pair". Years ago, in a former life, I sold women's shoes. That was in the late 60's. Pointed toe and high heels. Town and Country brand. They sure looked familiar.

I like this display. Clever use of found, but worn out, objects. Nice shot.

Thérèse said...

The pink fluffy shawl for next Halloween! lol

iBlowfish said...

Excellent shot, and this photo really intrigue me. Well done.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.