I think once-upon-a-time I would have bought shoes like this. Nowadays I settle for ones like the white ones in the background. Even though you can only see her legs, you know this girl is very chic--she's wearing nylons for a smoother appearance. This photo, by the way, isn't a belly shot--it's a "camera turned to the side while on my lap" shot. :<)
I'm still here and reading, by the way - just been busy with work, clearing photos off my memory card, and travelling for a weekend with friends. But I wanted to say - good luck with Eurovision tomorrow, I hope it's not too manic in Belgrade!
legs tells his own tale, nice moment, great shot
Never saw boots/shoes like these before. Looks like something an basketball star might like to wear as there is plenty of room for ads on the uppers.
You sneaky pete, you. Great capture. I love the color of her WAY high top Chucks. In nice keeping with Eric's designer high healed sneakers of late. I'm going to have to look for that coral color as it is very appealing to me, but I'll go for low tops. It seems the woman in the background is also wearing stockings with her sneakers (or is she just tan? Here in the states bare legs even with high heels is the norm right now. I suppose that's why there is a tanning salon on every corner. ;^)
Seattle Daily Photo
Way cool. My grand-daughter would love them. MB
Bibi - this is so cool. so hip. It made me think of that old R&B song that goes something like, Put on your high heel sneakers / and your wig hat on your head. Also makes me remember a family trip to France when our kids were young. Our son, 9 at the time, developed his own style of buying two pairs of Converse high-tops at a time in different colors. He would wear mismatched colors until one set wore out, then the other two. His red-and-blue sneakers look turned heads in Paris.
Since I don't know much about shoes, I just like to comment about your with the shoes and legs made composition more interesting. I don't think I could shot with camera in turned to the side and got picture like this. Well done.
Thanks, folks. I had scheduled this photo a couple of days ago, thanks to scheduled posting, I think on the day when I saw Eric's (Paris) high-heeled sneakers. These probably cost a lot less than Gaultier's 615 euro-pair.
Wow! Those are really HIGH TOP! They look like they might be Converse brand. As for €615 for any article of clothing, you can easily count me out :)
Agreed, Chuck. I'd much rather buy some new lens.... :<)
They don't look all that comfortable to me.
That's a teen thing for sure. I may have worn them to when I was a teen, but not now. Good shot.
Another lesson learnt. I would have refered to these as baseball boots. That's what they retail as in the UK. We don't play baseball though, so how strange. I have some converse black ones which I haven't worn in ages. Never seen such a pink pair. She makes them so chic. Very inventive camera work.
Hi. I am actually just trying to find your contact info. I am an American living in Vranje, and am trying to find a good camera shop in Belgrade where I can buy polarizing filters for 77mm and 55mm lenses. My email is contactloud at gmail. I am sorry to post this in your comments, but I can't think how else to ask you.
Also, I really like that yellow wall.
Thanks, Christopher Robbins
Ah bibi, tu me fais rire avec tes techniques photo !!!
Très jolies jambes en tout cas, et celles de derrière aussi !
I'll hop on a plane to Serbia to pick up a pair of these tootsies! I'm glad that everbody mentioned the color! I'm colorblind and wasn't sure:)
The contrast between the comparatively coarse look of the sneakers (because of the materials as compared to , for example, Italian leather) combined with the young woman wearing hosiery is interesting. Regardless of how well or casually dressed, one rarely sees women in the Bay Area wearing hosiery these days. One would certainly not see this combination! "Louis" isn't being judgmental one way or the other - just observing.... :-)
BTW - "Louis" sees many young women in the Bay Area, particularly those with an inclination to disfigure themselves with tattoos and piercing (Editor to "Louis": OK, "Louis" stop editorializing.") wearing high tops like these - but "Louis" has never seen this pink.
Great shot! You know I was going to ask how you got it.
For an interesting similarity, see Kim's photo at Seattle Daily Photo!
classy looking shoes
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