If you read his shirt, you'll see why. Or maybe you think he shouldn't be smiling. In any case, our friend Ljubomir (LYOO-bo-meer) is the creator and organizer of the annual World Testicle Cooking Championship, which takes place from June 20th to the 22nd this year just outside of Gornji Milanovac (GOR-nyee-mee-lahn o-vahts), about two hours' drive from Belgrade. The Championship is strictly a cook-off, with none of the raunchiness that often accompanies similar competitions. About 10,000 participants from all over the world (yes, even Australia) are expected this year. Check out the site on the banner for info in English. So, if you're planning a trip to Serbia, pop on down to Gornji Milanovac and have a ball.
I like the portrait but is it a world of testicle cooking? wow, now wonder he smiled in your picture. And I'm looking forward to see your picture with your nikon F2 soon.
Enjoy the balls. Good appetite !
oh nuts.... "Louis" will miss it.... :-(
Even so, "Louis" doesn't have the cojones to try these no matter where in the world they are cooked....
(Editor to "Louis", "Man up. 'Louis'!"
"Louis" to Editor: "Difficult for une vache to do! In any case, how would you like it if it were YOUR cojones they're cooking?"
Editor to "Louis" . . . . . . crickets . . . . . . . )
Hi, folks! Actually testicles as food are nothing new, and are eaten in many countries as a delicacy (?!). Personally, I don't like them; it's a bit psychological and also their consistency reminds me of another organ food, brains, which I don't like either. Ljubomir explained that he prefers them in a kind of goulash with lots of seasoning.
Oh my gosh! That is sooo interesting and disgusting :)
In Colorado these tasty testicles are called "Rocky Mountain Oysters". I don't like them either but some seem to.
I wonder if we will see this event on the cooking channel?
Ha! Don't know, but maybe. Here up until not too long ago when you ordered a plate of mixed grilled meat, it included "white kidneys," which were these delicate parts, or "oysters," as you call them. I'd forotten about that moniker!
Oh my! Well. . .urm. . .uh. . .so, Menudo, anyone? :-)
Fun post!
BTW, I haven't heard specific dates you will be available for our CDPB get together and wonder if you could please leave that info in my comments section. Thanks!
Oh my! Fortunately I never eat them, but my when my husband was a child, he eat them exchange they for ... "cordon bleu" or small meatball :) I don't remember very well
...before moving on from the (ahem) ball we are having discussing the main (gag) course to dessert, "Louis" points out that the name testicle comes from the Latin testis, 'a witness [i.e. to virilty].
Now to dessert: Bibi, "Louis" thanks you for the recipe for "krem pita". "Louis" will bake it and post it on his recipe blog. He may serve it with (ahem) chopped nuts as garnish....
"Louis" meant to comment previously that the sign above the man's head has a more-than-passing resemblance to the McDonald's logo....
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