Friday, June 20, 2008

Disdainful warrior maiden

This disdainful maiden looks down from a corner between two buildings on Resavska street, not far from the Yugoslav Drama Theater. I don't know why she was put there, and her expression is a mystery to me.


Dan said...

Disdainful is right! Reminds me of the looks I used to get when I tried to ask a girl out on a date!

Alexa said...

She's probably thinking, "That's right, I'm a warrior angel with a slammin' bod -- and you're NOT!"
Love this image, Bibi.

Timothy said...

Wonderful photo!

Louis la Vache said...

What a fantastic image! No doubt there is a very interesting story here!

. said...

She looks so tucked away and hidden from the world. Her wings are beautiful!

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is a fabulous image. I have never seen a sculpure that has such a human expression. I think she should be called Medusa. She may not have the snake hairdo but she ceratinly has the look that could turn a man to stone. Very well spotted and captured.

vero said...

Beautiful image, elegant and mysterious.

Profile Not Available said...

A beautiful photo. I love her expression!

Pat - Arkansas said...

What a wonderful find! That's amazing sculpture in many ways! Thanks for sharing this with us.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.