Saturday, June 21, 2008

Twig brooms

In the US, these brooms are hardly ever seen anymore, at least being used by street cleaners. They're still popular here in Belgrade, and you can buy your own on just about any open market for about $4.00 or less.


Chuck Pefley said...

I've one similar but made of straw in a similar flared circle. Didn't know twigs could be used. A renewable source for sure!

Tash said...

I remember the brooms & the broom stands in "pijaca" from my childhood in Tuzla! Again, thanks for the memories. (That's how I found CDP - thru TuzlaDP.) I find it facsinating that I moved here close to where you grew up and you moved to now former Yugoslavia. Please look me up whenever you come this way. Natasha (Tash) of PVDP

Louis la Vache said...

You are so right about this type of broom being rare here in the U.S. now! "Louis" hasn't seen one of these in years and years!

Alexa said...

And, as the Europeans can tell us -- not everything has to be made of plastic!
Reminds me of the Parisian street sweepers I encountered on my (very) early-morning walks there back in the sixties.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Only the Manx withces use these now, of a evening of course for nightflight. No, seriously I can't recall seeing any of these here, but now I will have to go besom hunting.
Plenty in the South of France though, the small villlages. I hope you are enjoying yiur time away.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.