Serbs are bread-worshipers. If the French say "A day without wine is a day without sunshine," the Serbian equivalent would be "A day without bread is a day I've not been fed." (Like that? My creation!) In any case, it is a major no-no to throw bread out in the trash. Old bread is placed in a bag and put somewhere where those who need it can easily find it, usually on a dumpster such as this. My guess is that depending on the bread's condition, it's either then used for human consumption or fed to animals.
It's a nice idea to leave the food for people that can maybe still use it. I would be a little concerned about pests getting into it before the humans though.
I suspect that those who need/want bread sort of know where to be on the look out for it. Interesting photo and narrative.
Nice find. I realy like it. Probably because I don't throw bread in bins too. :)
My guess, why we so much like bread, is - Christianity, where a bread is Jesus's body and wine his blood.
Meaning, Frenchies are vampires! :D
"Louis" had no idea that bread was so integral to the Serbian diet - but it makes sense as bread is symbolic of life in so many cultures and traditions and as 'obelix' points out, so central to the liturgy of the Eucharist.
In the Jewish tradition, there is an ancient prayer called the 'Kiddush' that prefigures the Eucharistic prayers of Christianity. Bread and wine are central to that beautiful ancient prayer.
Interesting, my grandmother say always "don't waste the food!". It's correct.
Interesting photo. I like ones that tell a story.
We have a charity group that goes into supermarkets (only on a Saturday, I think, but not sure) and collects the old bread to take it to people's homes. I used to do it for a while.
Good idea!
Very nice pic. I am so glad that you took this photo. There is an interesting similarity in our cultures. In Iran, we do the same to wasting bread. We do not put them in the trash. Whenever we see bread on the ground, we pick it up (some people also kiss it) and put it in a corner for birds, also to prevent people put their feet on it. Bread is something very respectful in Persian culture. Thank you Bibi
I am of Serbian origin (my father), and for sure there is a major NO NO at throuwing away any kind of food in our house. I guess as long as other people starv, we should be grateful for every single bit of food, and try not to waste it. I am glad you posted this!
I'm not sure that I could call this "scene" nice... I live in Belgrade, and I also leave bread remains near the dumpster. And believe me, there are regular "patrols" near dumpsters in every neighborhood - some are collecting bread, some used clothes, shoes, old paper, etc. People who do this "recycling" are mostly Gipsy, but not all of them. Some of them are simply poor. For me, this is a scene of poor and simpathetic people.
Keep posting your pictures - you are really capturing the spirit of the town. Good work :))
Good Job! :)
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