Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ABC Wednesday "X" is for "bread!"

Yes, honest, "X" is for "bread," because here in Serbia, the word for bread is written in the Cyrillic alphabet as "ХЛЕБ," prounounced "hleb." Here are two kinds of bread I buy regularly, a really good, moist, fresh-daily wheat one, and a lighter wheat flour (but not actually white) one. Yum. It's easy to get spoiled with such bread here.


Kim said...

Looks really delicious! I think I'm Serbian pronunciation challenged, though. "Hleb" is hard to say! The loaves look so nice against the blue gingham.
Seattle Daily Photo

USelaine said...

Oh, those look wonderful! Now I'm hungry...

Tash said...

Excellent! Very clever. XBAЛA :)

Harry Makertia said...

Oh my... it looks delicious! Very nice shot!

Pat - Arkansas said...

A very nice "X" post. I have not consumed Serbian bread, but I very much like European-style bread. It has body to it, and I am convinced is much more nutritious than the air-filled white smushy stuff many Americans seem to like. Give me something I can get my teeth into. "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou" did not include that stuff they call "Wonderbread!"

Unknown said...

That's what this is all about - education!! Learning something new from each other.

Great post - and the bread looks tasty too!

Bodge's Bulletin

Jane Hards Photography said...

Now that is a very unquie choice for today. Freshly baked bread free of addditives is so tatsy. X is proving to be the most inventive posting of all.

Chuck Pefley said...

Perfect post for my first blog visit this morning. Thanks! Now can you toast it and pass the jam?

Anonymous said...

To Chuck:
You don't need to toast it - it's (supposed to be) warm when you bring it home and to smell gorgeously... the butter would just melt all over it:))

Anyway - nice photo, and it's almost dinner time... so, I'm thinking about ХЛЕБ :)

Anonymous said...

I could live on bread and butter. Especially if it is fresh and hot from the oven from a local PEKARA :)

Marie Reed said...

Sorry for being such a comment loser while you were on vacation! I'm on vacation too and my computer umbilical cord has been cut:)


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