Monday, July 7, 2008

Someone got married.

The other week my husband and I went to Negotin, a town in north-eastern Central Serbia (how's that for precision?) near the borders between Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria. It's a region known for its wines, and its annual musical celebration in honor of the famous Serbian composer, Stevan Mokrajnac (MOE-kraye-nahts). In any case, the garland above this door indicates a wedding took place some time before, since the flowers and wreath were already dried.


Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, I like this custom. When in Italy I was delighted to see the blue or pink ribbons on houses signifying a new birth as well. The inclusion of the bicycle makes this a very nice image, btw.

And yes, I'll have a cold beer or two. Summer, for me, is THE time for cold beer.

Your SWF reflection and ripple is exceptional!

USelaine said...

I like how you've situated the bicycle in the shot too. It's wonderful how the rites of passage experienced in a family are signaled to the community.

mrsnesbitt said...

What a great custom!

Marie Reed said...

I wouldn't take down a beautiful garland like that either!

Dogeared said...

I like that custom, so thank you for showing it!

(I've finally caught up a bit on my internet life - my 366 Blog reading is up to date, so now I need to work on bookmarking CDP Blogs! Find my favourite ones (I know this is one ;-) )

Harry Makertia said...

Bibi, we have this kind of custom, although a bit different. Thanks for sharing your life!

J.C. said...

We have similar custom in Malaysia. We will hang a red cloth banner over the doorway. This is done during Chinese New Year and weddings.

Thanks for visiting the wedding photos that I posted on my blog, Bibi.

J.C. of Subang Jaya Daily Photo


 While waiting for a friend, I sneaked photos. I am never bored with my camera...