Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Amusement Park Colors

It's been so hot here. People cool off at some of the beaches on several of Belgrade's river islands, and then perhaps enjoy an evening stroll along the river banks. In New Belgrade there's an area where there are several rides and activities children can enjoy in the cool of the evening. Here's a colorful shot of a couple of them for you---that's a bouncing castle in the background.


Louis la Vache said...

Hot - and you don't get the air conditioner (a.k.a. the fog) like the Bay Area. No wonder people head to the water!

Nice, colorful shot, Bibi!

Gerald (SK14) said...

lots of detail in that horse - I thought at first they were actually ON the bouncy castle.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Yes, interesting perspective with the ride and jumping castle all merged into one!

Jane Hards Photography said...

What an array of colours, and crystal clear. No wonder the horse looks so jolly. Bouncy Castles as they are known in the UK have started to receive a very bad press. More to do with idiot adults when drunk thinking it's a rahter good idea to bounce around on them. Far too many lawsuits for drunken injuries.

Profile Not Available said...

What a sharp photo! Love all the color, and I agree that the detail of the horse is exceptionally good! I feel cooler already!

Anonymous said...

That's a cool shot and very colorful!

Marie Reed said...

Ohhhh this is a magical shot!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.