Saturday, September 6, 2008

Eight heads

On Thursday I mentioned that the facades of many of Belgrade's old buildings are deteriorating, and this is a case in point. This is a detail of what must have been a wealthy family's home over a century ago, for this head is one of eight that appear to represent the home's owners, now long gone. They're not the ordinary stylized heads for decorative purposes that one usually sees. After WWII, private homes were seized by the communist government and, for example, the original owners were forced to live in reduced quarters and the other living spaces given to others. Nowadays, descendants of many such formerly private home owners are trying to have the property returned to them.


Bob Crowe said...

This looks rather scary - is this isolated head that of one of the old rich owners or the Communists who kicked them out?

Sorry no comments in so long - new dimensions in overwork plus some travel.

Virginia said...

So was there a body attached at one time? Odd for sure.

Louis la Vache said...

What horrors your adopted country has endured. "Louis" hopes the rightful owners of these homes will get their property returned.

Anonymous said...

the aircon machine next to the head looks scary

Meead said...

These heads seem to be part of Serbian culture. I hope they keep it.

Dan said...

I saw this sort of thing on some of the buildings in Rome too. Kind of startling at first but kind of a cool idea. People always know who has lived there.

I hope the original owners get their homes back!

soulbrush said...

wow, how amazing, even if they don't get the properties back, they should get the heads of their ancestors. hope you're managing and coping with every day life again. hugs.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Belgrade has indeed endured some very tough times. The head looks like he is looking for his rightful ownwer to return.

Petrea Burchard said...

I think this is a great shot: the peeling paint, the ancient head, the modern window fan, the colors. I love it.

Kim said...

I'm with Petrea on this one. And, that face is haunting. This was very good to read about. Justice, even after a very long time, is like water in a dry land. I hope the affected families experience it.
Seattle Daily Photo


 Dug out my old  MINOX MINI 5.1 camera,  which always attracts a lot of comments. I have posted before photos taken with it, like  THIS ONE....