Friday, September 5, 2008

Sky Watch Friday--Against the itch

In New Belgrade especially, mosquitos can be quite a problem. Several times each summer the City sprays areas along the Danube and Sava against these pests. From my porch I have an excellent view (?) of the planes used for this purpose and their approach. Personally, pesticides scare me, and I really don't like to think about breathing in what they're spreading around, so I stay indoors and hope that somehow the spray's effect on me will be less when I venture out.

For more Sky Watch participants, check out:


marley said...

This is actually quite scary. I don't think I like the idea of government spraying its people. God knows what's in it! You do right by staying indoors!

raf said...

Great capture of the biplane, Bibi! I share your sentiments exactly about the spraying.

Rinkly Rimes said...

We suffer from biting things here too (Australia) but I don't think we spray ourselves. Maybe I've been sprayed and just thought it was raining!

MuseSwings said...

Good to stay indoors when strange things fall from the sky! What a wonderful view you have!

Louis la Vache said...

This reminds "Louis" of the crop dusting planes in the Texas Panhandle where "Louis" grew up. You could smell the insecticide for days after a spraying.

AphotoAday said...

Yeah, I think I'd stay in for a while after seeing that...
Good luck...
Great photos...

Igor Ursić Paja said...

I love these planes.
Especially coz I flew with them many times.

Marie Reed said...

We counted 31 bites on my oldest son yesterday! I have 18. My youngest son has 4! He actually slept naked last night in hopes of getting more. He wants to beat his brother. What a wierdo!

J.C. said...

Happy Sky Watch Bibi!!

I am afraid of Mr Mozzies too! In fact it was in June that I fell ill due to dengue fever caused by the Aedes mosquitoes. I ended up being sick for almost 2 weeks and spent 1 week in the hospital.

You take care!

Anonymous said...

what beautiful photos. i really like this plane. wonderful swf

Thérèse said...

Same over here (for the spraying planes) we usually check on the web to know when they will be appearing and be careful to close everything and stay inside as much as possible... the next day doctors offices are full of patients with allergies and other problems. Needless to say that there are other solutions/products to use.

Anonymous said...

Bibi - Saw a beautiful pic of the St. Sava church on Vracar on the Fotka po fotka blog and then read the comment you made about never being inside the church.

Just wondering if you ever made it out there? Looking forward to your pics of it when you do.

soulbrush said...

i agree with you about the pesticides, but this is a very clear sky -better than we have here in london.

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is so strange viewing thei scene. The idea of the city been sprayed. North By Northwest. Absolutely spot on shots. said...

I have tried & tried to take photos of airplanes for my skywatch posts & they never come out. i love these two, great job!

Jonathan Davis said...

Beautiful shots as usual B. I have tried so many times to snap these guys, but thanks to you I now have a decent picture.

Anyone know what type of plane these are? They remind me of old WW2 Junkers but I very much doubt they are.

Unknown said...

Wow. I had no idea they did that. For what it's worth, I've never gotten more mosquito bites than I did last May in Belgrade. I don't know if the sprayers hadn't been broken out yet, or if it would have been even worse if they weren't around.


 Dug out my old  MINOX MINI 5.1 camera,  which always attracts a lot of comments. I have posted before photos taken with it, like  THIS ONE....