I have a fascination for the houseboats that dot or sometimes even line the riverbanks here. Owners express their individuality without having to strictly adhere to building codes like condo owners often do. This is a pretty spiffy little houseboat, complete with an additional terrace. Cute. I'd like to live here.
Cute for sure, but I'm not sure about living in something that confined. Where would I put all 6 zillions pairs of my shoes??? Now I would love to come visit you Bibi and sit on that nice porch and sip some cold wine!
A very lovely SkyWatch Friday Photo. And I would like to live on that houseboat for a while. I expect it is very comfortable inside and cosy. I have friend's whose son lives on something very similar and he and his family are extremely happy there. Great blog and I look forward to learning about a country I know very little about.
What a lovely houseboat! I love it. I'm with Virginia on the shoes thing. Maybe a shoe boat next to the houseboat!
I especially like the flower boxes. And it's nice to have something so bright to chase away the gloomy sky. Happy SWF
For a grey day, the orange boat livens up the scene nicely. I can't imagine living in a house boat. I get dizzy thinking about it.
It makes for a great shot but I for one need my garden.
What a lovely home, seems so pleasant to live in. I like the cityscape in the distance too.
Hello Bibi !
Me too, I'd like to live in this houseboat !
Fantastic pic. It would be great to sit there and have a beer on the deck. Thanks for sharing
cool. :) nifty colors too. and that secondary structure makes it even more interesting. :) lots of character.
also, just wanted to say thank you very much for linking to my blog on your sidebar. that's very kind of you.
just realized i can enlarge the photo. :O awesome picture. :O
I think I'd actually like that too. Well, except when there's a storm, that is. Love the terrace.
That's what I call a room with a view! I know static barges are increasing in the UK definitely nothing like that here. No lakes, and not wide enough rivers. It does have a very serene feel and and individual style to boot.
It almost looks like a school house!
How wonderful that they are free to be creative. Your photo is beautiful.
& look at the superb view of the sky as well!
Great photo Bibi.
It's a great shot. I love the way the houseboat sort of pushes out into the gray, almost defiant.
It looks the kind of place that I'd get some use from.... the odd week now and then and of course the long weekends...
Such a cute little house - and outlined with such friendly little flowers. Love the contrast between water and sky.
Interesting! I've never seen a houseboat that looks like they built a real house on something that floats!
What a cool houseboat. I've never seen an orange one.
I'm wondering what they do all day, and what happens during bad weather. Excellant SWF photo.
Great place to live. I like the contrast between the grey and the orange :)
cute place, but must be bitterly cold in the winter, not for me, like terra firma.
are you feeling a bit more 'adjusted' or not yet? it does take time...so give it time and make sure you grieve, don't bury it (or him) too deep inside, talk and celebrate his life. lotsa hugs to you all.
Very very nice, I think that there are a lot of beautiful things to see in Belgrado.
I've often thought a riverboat would be fun. Is Belgrade a good place to give it a try?
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