Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gray rainy days...

It's been so cold and rainy. I don't like to drive downtown from my side of the river, so I often use public transportation. Bus tickets cost 32 dinars each (roughly 54 dinars - $1.00) and there's no system of transfers here, so you need a new ticket each time you change buses. Those who work, elderly, and students qualify for a reduced fare. Anyway, I digress...this is a "camera-placed-on-knees-and-snapped-photo" shot, but I think it turned out rather well.


bitingmidge said...

You obviously have steady knees! I think the B&W treatment is very effective for this shot too, I must try that one day!

Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

Unknown said...

Those gumboots are so cool nowadays. I wish we would have these when I was young and not have to wear the ugly ones. It's almost unbelievable that there was only one model and you couldn't choose a different boots. Well, if you can run through a slop and still have a lot of fun, it's all that matters :)

But all I wanted to say is, that the photo turned out exceptionally well :)

Cheers from also cold and rainy Prague

Jane Hards Photography said...

You are the master of the "belly shot." It's so sharp. I fear I maybe needing my own funky footwear if this rain continues.

Virginia said...

Bibi,'A great capture. I wish I could learn to do so well on the "street".

Bob Crowe said...

It certainly did work well! Sneaky photos can sometimes be very interesting. By the way, I've never hear of a public transit system without transfer privileges, but then a single ride is very cheap by our standards. Maybe not by Belgrade standards.

Knoxville Girl said...

You cut them off at the knees. I like the perspective, and those boots are pretty cool.

Anonymous said...


What are the buses like? They were pretty crummy last time I was there. Anything change?

MuseSwings said...

You are a master! Good shot and great boots! said...

it turned out very well indeed!
I'll have to try that photographic technique. Thanks for the tip.

Pat said...

Father Milovan, buses are improving! The old, ugly ones have been pretty much phased out, and Belgrade received donations of new buses from Japan, on the condition that they maintain them, both in cleaning and of course, mechanically.

Marie Reed said...

Love these galoshes! I have a red plaid pair!

parlance said...

I like the black and white treatment, also. It brings out the 'grey' atmosphere of winter.

Webradio said...

Hello Bibi !
Pretty boots...

Thérèse said...

Boots singing in the rain...

Sarah said...

Nice shot!
Are these boot usuall to wear now?

marley said...

It did turn out well! Nice work. We have reduced weekly tickets on our buses but the stupid thing is they can't be used at peak times i.e - rush hours! It really doesn't help encourage people not to drive :(

soulbrush said...

turned out very well, what funny looking things they are! yuk actually. but good shot.

Becky said...

I love these shots! Taking pictures on the fly without being detected gives me a surge of adrenaline - and sometimes they turn out - like this! Great job. And it's very telling. Good thought to make it black and white. It fits.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.