Caught this little fellow the other day in Vršac (VUR-shots), a town about an hour or so from Belgrade toward the Romanian border. He's in a shoe store, as you can see, and is also loaded with bottles of locally produced wine. The sign in front of him invites passers-by to a wine-tasting. As for prices of the shoes, you can count about 60 dinars for $1.00 or about 73 dinars for one euro.
I dunno, Bibi, I think with our economy it would be more like 60 dinars for $50 or 1 gallon of gas. Whichever.
Oh my ! Shoes and wine. My two loves. BIbi are you sure you can't join us for both in Paris. I long to see you my friend!
Wow - this IS a great store. Vine & shoes (my order of preference is a bit different). My grandmother lived in Vrsac with my mom & aunt toward the end of the war and for a bit later until she traded for an apartment in Pula. She loved the opulance of the countryside & raised pigs, hens, etc. while there.
Bibi, this photo is very funny...
Is the wine good ???
It sure makes for an interesting photo.
A happy picture for the weekend! No price on the corkscrew though lol.
i love this. :) shoes and wine, great combination. :)
Shoes and wine? Now you are talking...
I love photos like this. Nice shot.
Wine tasting, shoe trying on. The perfect combination. You live in a very quirky part of the world.
A cheerful image, Bibi! We're glad you captured this and shared it with us!
wierd connection, shoes and wine...'buy these shoes and i'll give you some free wine'...or 'buy this wine and i'll give you some free shoes!'
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