Friday, October 17, 2008

Skywatch Friday--Moon over the Danube

I've been inspired by Louis la Vache in San Francisco (, who's been taking some moon shots recently. I'm not good at this, but have promised myself to practice every time there's a full moon. We'll see how good I get eventually. In the photo you see my over-exposed moon shining on Belgrade's main church and the Danube.

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Guy D said...

Fantastic lighting. Thanks for sharing!


Webradio said...

Very nice photo Bibi...
The night is very pretty...

Jane Hards Photography said...


On no it's tremendous. It's got rule of thirds, nicely composed and the soft lighting streaming and reflecting against the darker hues is
superb. More Louis shots from you. It's absolutely gorgeous.

Louise said...

Well, it isn't necessarily the moon, but how you set up the shot, possibly, and this one is done QUITE well. Very. wonderful. capture! Looking forward to seeing how your moon shots progress.

MuseSwings said...

Beautiful! I love the colors on the water. Very well composed!

Richard Lawry said...

awesome colors and reflections. Beautiful photo!

J.C. said...

Beautiful moon shot! And I like the lights from the building and street reflected in the water too!

Happy SkyWatch Friday!

raf said...

Done so well, Bibi! It would be hard to fault. It has a magical quality about it with the hazy moon beaming over the clear night along the water and the spectrum of colored lights dancing across the river. A truly beautiful and romantic image for Sky Watch. Thank you!

Arija said...

With stunning retlections in the water as well. Really well done.

vero said...

Wonderful photo, Bibi.

vincibene said...

Beautiful! I love the reflections.

Michele said...

Gosh, I think you need to give yourself much more credit! This photograph is fantastic! It really is good! =)
Mountain Retreat- Canada

Anonymous said...

Beautiful capture, Bibi!

Thank you for sharing.

Branka - Canada

Louis la Vache said...

Bibi, with an image this beautiful, you've absolutely no need to apologize. This is very fine! As Babooshka commented, it is well-composed. The colors reflecting on the water are very nice, too. Just outstanding!

Virginia said...

I agree with Louis, believe it or not!HA IT is a grand photo and I like the "ring" around the moon. Maybe I will be lucky enough to capture a Paris moon! We will miss you but promise to drink a toast to you!

soulbrush said...

wow, every one i've looked at so far has a moon..including me...maybe it's that 'halloween' thing!

Gayle said...

The reflections on the water really add to the shot!
The White House

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Beautiful :) I love the reflections of the lights!

Anonymous said...

lovely. :) that... uh... tower thingie really stands out. :)

marley said...

Bibi, this is a really good photo. I like all the lights reflected in the water. And the moon is clear and round. When I take photos of the moon it looks all blurry and wobbly. I need more practice :)

PJ said...

This looks so romantic, I've been hearing about the Danube all my life, thanks for sharing it.

Tash said...

You did great with this photo - look at the reflected colors, look at the bright church, and like Marley said, the moon is crisp & round. Have you been getting tips from Fabrizio in Torino?

Jeannelle said...

How wonderful to find your blog to learn about your part of the world! Super photo for the reflections! Yes, Louis la Vache takes great photos....all from the same spot, I think. Greetings from Iowa, USA!

indicaspecies said...

I've not been good with night shots.

This is brilliant photography!

Anonymous said...

I love how you captured the moon, and the light dancing on the water. Very cool picture. I enjoyed your post re: fungi art too. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

great reflection. The danube doesn't look very blue! Thanks for sharing

Becky said...

One of the first classical pieces I learned to play on the piano was the Blue Danube Waltz. I can only imagine standing on a bridge over this beautiful waterway and hearing that song whispered in the breeze.

What a beautiful scene you've "painted" for us. The moon is incredibly hard to take pictures of (at least, for myself and other amateurs), so WELL DONE! This is a beautiful shot.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.