Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ABC Wednesday "P" is for "Pig"

Recently I've been in a "look up and admire facades" phase, and have taken scores of photos of statues, decorative heads, and stonework in various states of disrepair. Sometimes a building's artwork is in good shape, as the little naked girls here who are fearfully looking down from their fifth floor ledges. But there's a pig up there, too. An unusal addition, to say the least, and I've asked around, but have no explanation for its presence on this apartment building. On the ground floor there's a pharmacy that's been there for ages, but who knows---perhaps long ago the building belonged to a prosperous pork butcher...except that the pig's floor looks like a relatively recent addition to this older building.

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marLou said...

That pig must have meant something for the it to be there, you would think. Strange what you find sometimes.

Kim said...

Almost as beautiful as dear old Rachael at the Market. Well, I think was can assume the building didn't belong to a practicing Islamic or Jewish or Vegan household :-). I hope your curiosity about it is one day satisfied. Does Belgrade have a historical society that could give you a clue? Inquiring minds are now quite wanting to know. :-)
PS, have you any plans for a visit here?

photowannabe said...

Fascinating mystery. I'm glad you were looking up. The pig certainly doesn't seem to have anything to do with the other figures.

Bear Naked said...

Perhaps the Pig symbolizes a silk purse from a sow's ear?

Bear((( )))

Jane Hards Photography said...

A real curio. I would rule out a Jewish household. I remember you posted about the sparrow being Belgrade's bird, another possible ruled out. Isn't it fascinating what you find when you look beyond the blinkered view? A fascinating, puzzling post.

Virginia said...

Thank god there's no lipstick on that pig but thankfully those days are now behind us! Whew!!!! It's over, it's over, it's over!!!!YES!!!!!

My theory is the daddy of those little girls liked to bar- b -que up on that nice balcony..... well maybe not in Belgrade but it really could happen here! :)

Nathalie H.D. said...

Hi Bibi,
I just wanted to let you know how happy I am about Barack Obama's election ! You must be so proud today !

That pig up there is just incredible. I'm glad you mentioned it because I was only looking at the little girls and air conditioning unit!

The musmule yesterday is something I'd love to taste!

Webradio said...

Nice photo with this pig...

soulbrush said...

mmmm, now you have us all wondering. i think he is guarding the little girls' virtues!

Anonymous said...

Pigs like that, over here, used to mean a butcher shop or meat market. I am not sure what it means over there but I remember it was popular here for many years.

Anonymous said...

I love the pig!! I agree, he must have meant something.

He looks as if he's looking out through the balustrade at a quick glance!

Thérèse said...

Lever les yeux et voir un cochon! De quoi vivre avec le sourire pour la journée...
Rien ne se résoud en un jour mais hier soir fut un merveilleux moment à vivre.

Anonymous said...

That certainly is a strange choice of animal for the side of a building! Great for the P shot!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Well I've heard about a pig in a poke but never a pig above a pharmacy before.

soulbrush said...

i would love you to join in doggie thursday! yippee.

Saretta said...

Someone wanted to live high on the hog... ;-)

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

A butcher who won the Lotto? ;)

Kris McCracken said...

Well, I for one like the pig. Far nicer than a gargoyle or some such!

Granny Smith said...

Could the pig be a joke, added by whoever build that lovely balustrade? I like him there, and had a nice laugh at his (or her) expense.

Becky said...

What a great shot! I love things like could almost be an Odd Shot Monday photo, couldn't it? It certainly does look like it could be a joke. It made ME laugh, anyway!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!