Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barbie and Ken go Serbian!

I've seen many a Barbie and Ken in national dress of countries where I've traveled and now Serbia is no exception. (These actually are most likely take-offs of the famous couple!) They were proudly displayed in a shop that rents Serbian folk dance outfits. I like the handiwork on them all the way down to their intricate leather shoes called 'opanci," (OH-pahn-tsee). Check out more 'opanci' here .


Anonymous said...

Those are really nice dolls. I wonder if there are people who collect these in their native costumes?

I guess those are the leather shoes in the foreground.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another wonderful find! Love it...Branka

Chuck Pefley said...

But far more tasteful than our beloved B & K.

Tash said...

My aunt was just in Beograd & I asked what I wanted as a souvenir & now I know for next time! Barbie in opanci - how great it that.

Webradio said...

Other very nice photo...
Have a good day !

vero said...

Interesting... I think it can be a nice souvenir.

Marie Reed said...

That is very cute!

Tina. said...

Welcome to Dogs on Thursday group. Bibi looks like a really sweetheart and I watch for future for postings! said...

I have a polish Barbie doll!

Louis la Vache said...

While the dolls may be knock-offs, it looks like the costumes are very authentic. Very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Those are cute! What shop that sells these? My brother & sister-in-law will be visiting this summer..I asked them to find some small dolls to display for my Serbian table on International Night at my daughter's elementary school.

Pat said...

Mia, there is a little shop on the top of Dobracina Street, almost on the corner with Vasina Street near the National Theater. I don't have your email to write to you. Please write me through the email link under my profile.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.