Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ABC Wednesday--"Q" is for "Quite a hot dog!"

Hungry? How about a half-a-meter-long hot dog? For the metrically challenged, that's about 19.69 inches, a formidable challenge for even the most ravenous hot dog lover.
This places also serves another specialty, a Hamlet, a ham omelet served with or without a bun. Its advertisement that you can just partially make out on the bottom of the photo reads asks in Serbian, "To be or not to be in a bun?" Apologies to the Bard.

Join ABC Wednesday here


Virginia said...

Where's the kraut and onions??? I'll share.

Bear Naked said...

That does look delicious.
One hot dog that size could serve a small family.
Is that hot dog very expensive?

Bear((( )))

soulbrush said...

ha ha what a funny post this is, made me giggle. to be or not to be a bun? that is hilarious. as for the drawing, i want you to go out and buy a pencil (2b) and some paper and just do it! anything. start with the simplest thing and just draw. that's how so many of us here in blogland started and i know you will love it. and art is art, and anything goes!!!!

soulbrush said...

the aedm picture you are talking about is tiny, but it's yours. send me your address and i will send it to you, with pleasure. also i have a sweet little book that i have just read that i'd like to pass on to you too. e mail:

Marie Reed said...

Hot diggity dog! I am up to the challenge!

Louis la Vache said...

Good one, Bibi!

Anonymous said...

it was not so expensive when I ate it last time, about 3, 4 years ago, maybe around 2 or 3 euros :D said...

wow! my friend had a foot long hot dog the other day & that was hard to finish!
good Q word idea Bibi.

Richard Lawry said...

Now that's a hot dog!

An Arkie's Musings

Chuck Pefley said...

Can I have two to go??

marley said...

Very Shakespearian! I think I could manage to eat that, but not in one sitting!

Tash said...

'Q'uite a find! & very clever advertising & marketing.
I remember when they were called 'virsle' & my grandmother wouldn't let me eat them cuz they were factory processed meat (although Gavrilovic salami was just fine!). I wonder when the 'hot-dog' became popular?

Webradio said...

Surprizing ! But very nice shot !

Saretta said...

That is indeed quite a hot dog! And quite a lot of mustard. Makes me hungry!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.