Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Last weekend a friend and I went on a tour of two cities in nearby Romania, Timisoara and Arad, both of which have a large number of Serbs living in them, and are birthplaces of several well-known Serbian historical figures. I haven't been a fan of organized tours, but I must say this one was really well done. Aside from taking in a great deal of both cities in two days' time, we tasted some of the country's fine wines in two renowned wine cellars, and gobbled down lots of local specialties, including a very spicy (fine with me) goulash. The tour also left us lots of time to wander, which is what I did, photographing both cities' spectacularly beautiful facades and doorways. This doorway wasn't a particularly great beauty, but this little boy wanted me to take his photo so badly, I couldn't refuse.


Belgrade Daily Photo said...

May I ask you which tour company you used? (I enjoy little 2 days tours sometimes...)

USelaine said...

Ah, but the light, the boy, the doorway, and the dog, are all splendid. His shoulders and head echo the shape of the arch above.

Tash said...

I too think you did well photographing the scene AND making someone happy :)
I like the door too - it's got a lot of architectural detail & it's a lovely color.

Suz Broughton said...

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. I love everything about this picture.

Marie Reed said...

mmmmmmmn.... goulash.....yummy!

Nathalie H.D. said...

For me the name Timisoara still has the acrid taste of war.

I am glad to know it's a place where you can now go as a tourist and have a good time. I'll have to adjust to that. Thanks for this post

Saretta said...

No, I disagree! The building behind the boy is fantastic! And the combo of boy dog and broken down building are really evocative!

Webradio said...
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Webradio said...

Your photo is so cute Bibi...
Have a nice day !

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" agrees with Saretta - very interesting composition, Bibi.

Victor said...

Wonderful portrait. A bold composition that really works well. Bravo!

Jane Hards Photography said...

It all works togeteher so perfectly. The dog coming into the scene the bold backdrop and his cute little face surrounded in those darker hues is wonderful. It's a terrific image.

J.C. said...

That was kind of you to bring some cheers to the boy, Bibi.

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog. My family and I are moving to Belgrade this coming Friday the 14th November (I live in South Africa at the moment). I have never been in Serbia (my husband is from Belgrade) and am feeling terrified. But your blog gives me the "flavor" of the country and courage. Thanks

vero said...

I think this is a good photo.

dianasfaria.com said...

what a nice portrait, I like the street scene in the background with the doggie.

Tea Time With Melody said...

I am glad you took the boy's picture. I am sure he walked away very happy, told all his friends. I would not be able to turn away a kind heart.

Anonymous said...

This photo is fabulous! Not only do I LOVE the doorway, but the composition is great with the arch echoing the curve of the head and the darker figure contrasting with the lighter surroundings.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!