Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Branislav Nušić

Branislav Nušić (NOO-sheech; 1864-1938) was a Serbian novelist, playwright, satirist, and essayist. He also worked as a journalist and a civil servant. When he was 21, Nušić fought in the Serbo-Bulgarian War of 1885. After the war, he published a controversial poem for which he spent two years in prison. The poem ridiculed Serbian King Milan's decision to attend the funeral of the Serbian-born Austro-Hungarian general's mother instead of the funeral of the war's hero, Captain Mihailo Katanić, who died as a result of wounds sustained while saving the regimental flag from the hands of Bulgarians. Nušić's plays in particular are still appreciated today. My favorite is the comedy Gospođa ministarka (The Cabinet Minister's Wife), in which the minister's wife's goes to great lengths to try to be cultured, as befits a woman in her position, which recalls Monsieur Jourdain's ridiculous attempts to do the same in Molière's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Reflected in the building behind this statue you can see the National Museum.


Webradio said...

Hello Bibi !
Thank You for this presentation of this "author"...

Your photo is very nice and thanks also for Molière...

See You later !

Saretta said...

I like the way this statue seems to be unfinished on the front.

Dan said...

facinating story and this guy seems to have been a hero as much as the Captain Katanic! Wonderful pic by the way. Love the way the shadow frames his face!

Suz Broughton said...

What a great shot.

soulbrush said...

this sculpture is interesting, as his body/clothes are sort of in a sweeping form not definite, i like that, it makes it look quite modern. pop over to my blog as it is award-giving day.

Jilly said...

Oh what a fabulous shot, Bibi. I don't know whether I like the sculpture most or the background. Well I like both very much - so so much - but together they make for a superb photograph. Well done indeed. And interesting to read about this novelist too.

And thanks for suggestion to ask Chuck about the bike. I've asked him. Thanks Bibi.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Outstanding photo, Bibi. The statue...the reflection...perfect!

Tash said...

An inspiration to go and read some of his work. Thanks. The composition with the location of the figure & the reflection is excellent.

Thérèse said...

Great complementary subject. A day of learning.

Petrea Burchard said...

I just love this photo, Bibi. Another invitation to enjoy the Belgrade sun. There seems to be a very particular light there this time of year. It's lovely.

Unknown said...

Nušić is fantastic, on par with the best comedy playwrights there are. English-speaking people here would benefit a lot if they had the opportunity to read some of its works in English. My recommendations are The Suspect, The Deceased, and of course The Cabinet Minister's Wife

Bill Kralovec said...

Thanks for the post Pat! I was observing a Serbian Mother Tongue class and wanted to know more about the playwright they were discussing. They are reading the play, "The Minister's Wife" and so your post was very nice.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.