Monday, November 17, 2008

Kissing Carrots

Well, I thought I'd heard it all until I read in the paper the other day that there had been stipulations on the size and shapes of certain vegetables and fruits sold in the EU. Although certain ones of these standards have recently been revised, a cauliflower used to have to be at least 11 centimeters in diameter and a wreath of garlic had to have 16 heads. Worse, small carrots couldn't be any lighter than 8 grams and large ones had to weigh 50 grams with at least a 2 centimeter diameter, and could not display more than one root! So, if even in the fruit and vegetable world, if you weren't good looking, you just weren't going to make it to someone's table. Now that's been changed, EXCEPT for bananas, which have to still be at least 14 centimeters long with a 2,7 centimeter waistline. All I can say is I'm glad I live outside the EU, since I frequently browse the markets for odd fruit that reminds me of artwork....


Webradio said...

So lovely Bibi...

And Serbia is not in UE...

Nice day for You...

USelaine said...

I like your side-by-side comparison here. 8^)

Now that I get my vegetables from a farmer directly, I find all sorts of interesting shapes in my basket. They are fun to cook with, too.

Bob Crowe said...

Oh, Bibi, this is witty. Which is more sensual, more luscious?

Wayne said...

Bibi, you have a vivid imagination. Carrots by Rodin?

Clueless in Boston said...

Fishing in certain waters you have to throw back the fish if they're too small; I guess the EU follows the same principle with vegetables.

Thérèse said...

Nice parallels Pat and your post is wonderful!

Sterl the Pearl's Daily Pics of Boulder said...

Love it!!! Good stuff.

Tash said...

Ha-ha! Sleeping gypsies & kissing carrots - I can just picture your mind making the connections to the great works of art. That's a wonderful trait you have.

Tash said...

PS - I cannot believe the veggie regulations - who thinks up this stuff?!

Dan said...

Oh my, I think I will be much more attentive in the vegetable section of the local grocery from now on!

angela said...

You're right about the standardised fruit and veg. what a shocking waste that must have created.

I like the connection between your carrot and the news and the my mind they'll always be connected.

namaki said...

those carrots are lovely ! I had some in my garden ... you know when a small stone or something blocks the way ... I like the association with the sculpture !

marley said...

I'm glad the EU finally saw sense! I like how you go out hunting for veg that looks like art! Lol :)

Chuck Pefley said...

Let's see ... if the carrot is too small I toss it back like fish??? Those rules seem a bit over the top to me. Somehow I have a hard time imagining the farmer in the field using his tape measure on each fruit or vegetable he picks. Sheesh! Your kissing carrots are quite nice :)

Saretta said...

I love the comparison between the carrots and the statue!

Jane Hards Photography said...

The EU has relaxed it's fruit and veg rules somewhat. I still don't think this would pass muster though. Cheeky carrots.

Jilly said...

Great post. I too saw that a lot of these restrictions have been lifted. Thank goodness. They were nonsensical. And then I couldn't find a weird looking vegetable to photograph to write about it. You did. Hopefully they will now appear in our markets. Super post and lovely photograph together.

Marie Reed said...

I love these wonky carrots!

Marie Reed said...

I too am always on the lookout for wonky veggies! I never eat them I just admire them and display them until they shrivel. They are such a marvel of nature! Thank goodness I can still find them at the market here on Friday if not at the grocery store because of the pesky EU regulations!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.