Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fish Soup

From time to time I do restaurant reviews for a local English-language newspaper and a column on places foreigners may want to visit around Belgrade. It's getting pretty cold, and people may not want to go far, so yesterday I visited the nearby town of Pancevo (PAHN-cheh-vo), about 16 kilometers away. While there, my friend and I stopped in a restaurant and had some spicy fish soup. We even had some extra red pepper on the side, as you can see, some warm bread, and shared a salad, topped with feta cheese. Fairly light meal, since I had to do another review that evening at the Hyatt...oh, la belle vie.


Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! That's the kind of job I'd like to have.

MuseSwings said...

You poor thing, having to go out and eat at lovely restaurants! The soup looks wonderful and the bread...mmm. Think I'll pull up a chair and sprinkle a little of the red pepper on mine as well.

Richard Lawry said...

Does seem like a very difficult job, but someone has to do it. :)

An Arkie's Musings

Chuck Pefley said...

Finally! A town with a proper Italian pronunciation :) Well close, anyway. Closer if it were Pahn-CHAY-vo.

So very sad you're forced to eat at nice restaurants :)) A very attractive presentation of the (tomato based?) soup and bread. Looks quite yummy! And the green provides a nice accent, too. I'd give this restaurant good marks for attention to detail.

Webradio said...

Fish soup is very good...

See You later !

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Nice warm meal!
Very strange about it not updating in the portal. I would contact the CDP people. Maybe try to change the time of your timestamp to 5 minutes or so in the future and see if the portal picks it up in the next sweep?

Maki said...

Looks delicious! I've never been a fan of fish soup.....however, the "pogaca" is to die for.

Thanks again, Branka from Canada

Tea Time With Melody said...

I lost your blog and so I had to go through a few comments to find you, Whew! You always have very interesting posts and I enjoy visiting. Love the speed bump and man wearing his shoes posts, hilarious.

USelaine said...

This looks like just the thing to take the edge off a chilly day. I'm not one for extra hot pepper, and I'll be the soup is just right anyway.

Anonymous said...

Not that fond of fish soup (or anything with fish, actually) but I wouldn't mind that salad and bread!

That's an awfully boring job you have, Bibi! ;-)

Hope all is well!


Tash said...

It looks yummy - probably good local river fish; I just hope it was not 'bakalar'. I could never understand how my parents thought that was a delicacy. (Do you make bakalar for Christmas?)
The rolls look sooooo good. La Brea bakery makes good mass produced breads here, but I bet it still doesn't compare to the bread in Serbia. I remember a New Year's Eve I spent at our friends & among all the delicious food (sarma, roast pig, etc.) I wanted bread & butter. How was the food at Hyatt?

soulbrush said...

i'm not a foody preson nor do i like restaurants, but this must be a fun job/pastime, or does it get boring?

Becky said...

I don't eat fish, nor do I like spicy things, but this meal looks absolutely DELICIOUS! What kind of review did you give it?


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...