Friday, November 21, 2008

Protective hand gear?

At first I thought this skater was wearing shoes on his hands to protect his hands in a fall. I mean, perhaps he didn't want to invest in protective gear, since other than those shoes, he's not wearing any. But then I thought it's just because he had no other way to carry his shoes to put back on when he's finished skating! Then again, both my guesses might be correct!


Anonymous said...

This picture wasn't taken recently was it? Looks like Fall weather.

They're calling for 7 inches of snow here. A little too early for my liking.

Hope weather is better in the White City.

Bob Crowe said...

Bibi, you are on a roll. This is very weird, in a good sense. Looking at the thumbnail, I thought the man might be a fugitive. The shoes on the hands set the photo apart.

Pat said...

Father Milovan, yes, this photo was taken just last Saturday. November can be very foggy, and it is now getting chilly too! The wind has swept the leaves off of many trees, too.

soulbrush said...

i think it's a brilliant idea to put your shoes on your hands in case of a fall, and what a good picture it makes too. great one.

Mim said...

I think it's to carry the shoes and a very clever solution to a problem!

J.C. said...

He does look odd with his shoes in his hands! Makes one wonder what he is up too, though! A good way to catch one's attention!

Sarah said...

Oh,That is intresting BiBi :)
But I do not like to do that.I hate to cover my hands with somethin that I use for my foot :P

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The Good Life in Virginia said...

interesting photo...he's traveling

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Funny photo. Now I wonder how he carries the skates when he puts his shoes back on. ;)

Suz Broughton said...

I'm going to try this when I roller skate

Webradio said...

Hello Bibi !

Très surprenant cette photo...

J'aime faire du patin à roulettes...
A bientôt !

USelaine said...

I love this shot! I don't think I would have thought of the "just to carry them" answer, but I'll bet you're right. But when he takes off the in-line skates, he'll have to carry those too. Now THAT would be a weird picture. He needs a little backpack.

Unknown said...

oh my, what a picture! It's just excellent, and this man is, too! I love him:)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.