Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dogs on Thursday: Let sleeping dogs lie.

That's what the proverb says, and it's probably true most of the time. These dogs have settled themselves down on part of a cast-off couch not far from where I live. The black one is looking at me rather ominously, but we are friends, so I passed by unscathed. Stray dogs here are a big problem, and only fairly recently have there been campaigns to get people to spay or neuter their dogs, and to not abandon their pets when they "don't want them anymore." If you'd like to join Dogs on Thursday, click on that box in the left margin.


Dan said...

yep, he looks kind of menacing in the pic, particularly with the kind of grundgy setting. Looks like a great photo local.

Dan said...

yep, he looks kind of menacing in the pic, particularly with the kind of grundgy setting. Looks like a great photo local.

Jill said...

How quaint, and how sad. I'm a sucker for big brown eyes. Hope they find someone to love them.

USelaine said...

This really is a marvelous presentation of a sad subject. Even as an abstract composition, it works well.

Tash said...

The whole scene is one of abandonment. Good that they have a place to curl up. Interesting graffity too - looks like a gramatically correct verb, and "petokraka" with antennas?

Bob Crowe said...

Bibi, this is a terrific photo. The wall is chaos but the dogs are at peace. It's a funny juxtaposition. Nice work.

Chuck Pefley said...

Sad story ... but a fine photo. The graffiti tells a compelling tale of abandonment. Glad you are friends with these guys. Nevertheless ... distance is likely prudent.

By the way, the weather widget on your blog says it's 1 deg and clear. Brrr!

Marie Reed said...

It is sad but.. they look very comfy!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Poor sweeties. Of course I've seen enough dogs like this to interpret his look as, "Why you stopping? Got food???" Great pic. I'm tempted to join Dogs on Thursday but I'm already trying to keep up with ABC Wednesday and Skywatch Friday...though I guess I can always opt out for a week here and there. :-/

Paula said...

That is a great post!
Very powerful pcture!

kaivalyam said...

Dear Bibi

Everyone in Belgrade seems to be blogging!!

I came across 4 already and such amazing have really helped me know about the place/people.

I am a film maker/writer visiting Belgrade from DC. My first trip there, to top that I am a teetotaler,vegetarian Indian!!

Would be lovely to meet up!
Let me know if you need anything from US :)


dogquilter said...

So sad I hope they find homes. Unfortunately even here we have too many in shelters but yet the puppies keep coming anyway.

Unknown said...

I will never understand people who abandon their dogs! How can they???
Very nice photo.
Thank you for visiting my blog.

Pooch said...

Poor doggies. I hope someone will love them and take care of them. Such a sad picture. said...

Awww! poor doggies! it is beyond me how anyone could not want their dog anymore. Can you imagine the dogs heartbreak when that happens? All dogs seem to want to do is to please their masters, it's so sad.

Thérèse said...

How come the mattress is still there?

soulbrush said...

of course i do so enjoy the information you add to your posts. happy dot. so glad you joined too.

Jane Hards Photography said...

On no please take me away from this neme. I will be totally addicted! This really could be a studio portrait for an ad campaign. Fabulous. I adore this.

Webradio said...

Very Nice these dogs...
The tags are pretty, also...

Have a good day Bibi !

Becky said...

I can't believe that people just abandon them and "don't want them anymore." I would have a VERY hard time living there and seeing all these adorable animals just cast off and expected to survive on their own. I'd want to take them all in! I absolutely love dogs, and this is a difficult concept for me, that people just drop them off somewhere, never thinking of them again. How awful! I'm with Lily Hydrangea - what heartbreak they must feel.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.