Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ABC Wednesday--"T" is for "Tibet"

I was intrigued by these Tibetan prayer flags, not only because I've hardly ever seen them here, but also because they're displayed around a dwelling way up on top of these stairs, like Lhasa is high in the Himalayas. The chain link fence that I had to photograph through symbolizes for me that Lhasa was once known as The Forbidden City.

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photowannabe said...

A very thoughtful and symbolic photo for the letter T. The chain link fence just makes this shot.

Richard Lawry said...

I love reading about mountain climbing. No I would never do it myself, but i find it so interesting. The prayer flags reminded me of Mount Everest. Whenever you see pictures taken on the mountain, there are always prayer flags fluttering.

An Arkie's Musings

Tash said...

A nice tie-in to your cause. How very fascinating to find the flags there.

Mim said...

Excellent picture, you have a great eye!
I love these flags, something about their faded colors and the line of flags just really does it for me

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is somehow very poignant, especially the fence and the Forbidden City link.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is somehow very poignant, especially the fence and the Forbidden City link.

Thérèse said...

Well pictured. Les célèbres chevaux de vents.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.