Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ABC Wednesday "U" is for "umbrella"

Not too original with "umbrella," but it has rained recently, and it's supposed to pour tomorrow! Where's the snow?

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Marie Reed said...

I need my umbrella for all of the snow we've been getting here in Paris!

naturglede/Randi Lind said...

I love your pick for the U. Have a noce day:)

Jane Hards Photography said...

No snow here either. It's a lovely portrait, very romantic and very Parisian. Miss Virgina will like this a lot, along with myself.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Lovely photo showing the romance of a rainy day.
I also posted U for Umbrella, not really a surprise, though, is it? :-)

Bear Naked said...

Last time around I posted umbrella but went for something different this time.

Bear((( )))

Jilly said...

How perfectly framed. Like your 'u.'

Melissa Enderle said...

Be careful for what you wish for. Remember last year's freak series of events following the November snow.
If you really want snow, Wisconsin is buried under an additional 8-12 inches on top of the 14 already on the ground!

Dragonstar said...

That's a beautiful photo, I love it.

ABC Team

Tash said...

I had exactly the same thoughts as Babooshka. The photo is just lovely.

nonizamboni said...

Wonderful shot--the umbrella rounds out a perfect composition.
p.s. You can have some of our snow--more expected here in Minnesota.
Thanks for sharing your sharp eye!

MuseSwings said...

Nice picture! It looks and feels like a rainy day. I'll need that umbrella tomorrow, please.

marley said...

Thats what you call a wet winter! Nice shot :)

Anonymous said...

I love the intimacy in this powerful and moving photograph. Thanks for sharing it.

Knoxville Girl said...

beautiful. and the doorway is an inverted U.

Anonymous said...

The doorway as inverted U is second thing I saw. Beautiful doorway and lovely photo.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.