Wednesday, December 17, 2008

ABC Wednesday "V" is for "Very Proud on The Big Day"

Yesterday was the big day for this year's MBA graduates of Athens University School of Economics and Business, and a big day for the entire program, since it marked the 10 years of the program's existence. This is my son, who just received his diploma, yee-HAH. I'd have liked to have cropped the photo for better composition, but I'm working on my little laptop, which doesn't have a photo editing program to do so, but that's not the essential now, right? Proud mama.

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Mim said...

as well you should be. What an international family you are!

Tash said...

That is so fantastic. What a wonderful accomplishment. It's a lovely photo showing his pride and happiness with the achievement.

Virginia said...

Proud Momma and Proud Blogger Friends as well. I am teary eyed at this joyful, hopeful photo and know how bittersweet it is for all of you.

Maki said...

Congratulations sin & mama!


Tea Time With Melody said...

Congrats to your you and your son for all his hard work. It is a nice feeling when our children graduate from college.

Chuck Pefley said...

And a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Both of You! That's a big accomplishment!! Starting the Christmas holiday a bit early with this present, eh?

Anonymous said...

congratulations for earning your master's degree! you must have made a lot of them VERY proud indeed!

btw, mine is here: hope you can visit too!

happy wednesday!

Jane Hards Photography said...

A perfect personal V. I like the image as it is the whole stage to put the scene in context. Well done to yout son and I hope there is the perfect job out there to match those qualifications.

Juliette said...


Powell River Books said...

Great post for a proud mama. I'm an American who has chosen to live in Canada. It took two years to get residency status but it's wonderful. I invite you to come see my very white day in Coastal BC. -- Margy

antigoni said...

Congratulations! Great moments!

Dan said...

Hoooray for your son and for you too! This is a great big step forward. Now it is on to a job.

I have an MBA from USC in Los Angelos and completely enjoyed the whole process. I hope your son did too.

MuseSwings said...

Congratulations to a proud Mom and a happy son!

Dragonstar said...

Very proud indeed! Wonderful post. Thank you - ABC Team.

Knoxville Girl said...

aw, that's a fabulous shot. congrats!

Anonymous said...

Great photo and very great moment. I know how proud you are of him and me too.

Anonymous said...

oops, I meant I was proud of him too.

Kris McCracken said...


My Henry has managed to use the toilet for the first time, so I know how proud you must be! ;)

Alexa said...

Bibi -- you must be very proud indeed! Sincere congrats to your (undoubtedly brilliant) son.
Kris -- One day your Henry will graduate from university, and you'll have the same feeling! :~)

Anonymous said...


"mali ruka"


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.