Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Dogs on Thursday" -- Who goes there?

I'm back in Belgrade and it's Dogs on Thursday. Here are two fellow (or maybe girls or one of each) who were very intrigued when Bibi and I walked along in front of their house near the town of Zrenjanin. They were very quiet; just stood and looked.

See the sidebar if you'd like to participate in Dogs on Thursday.


Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Aw! So cute. I like how they are almost exactly evenly spaced apart, like they've got their own little looking stations.

Tash said...

They are wonderful! I cannot believe that they didn't bark (although our golden Amy doesn't bark at other dogs, just wags her tail). What did Bibi think of them?

Dan said...

They seem more curious than aggressive, but you never know with doggies!

MuseSwings said...

They look like they just want to come out and play on the gray rainy day.

Knoxville Girl said...

they're so intense. how did you get them to each pose in the middle of the gate?

marley said...

I've got something for these dogs on my Thursday post!


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.