Sunday, December 14, 2008

Branka's "Crazy Boxes"

This is my friend Branka, a psychologist by profession and artist by personal choice. She makes these catch-all "Crazy Boxes" out of papier-mache and each one is unique. This photo was taken on Wednesday at the opening of her exhibit downtown. I hope she sells them all!

P.S. It's Branka's birthday tomorrow.....! Happy Birthday!


Tea Time With Melody said...

Lovely boxes, I like the round one with what appears to be a flower on top.

Maki said...

Love the boxes... love the name...we even share the same birthday month! Must be Karma, Bibi!

Branka iz Kanade

ps. Gospodja Branki saljem rodjendanske pozdrave. Imenjakinja ;o)

Squirrel said...

Psychology and an "anything goes inside" box seem to go together well. Fill a pretty one with dreams and goals!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photo (the rare one where I look like a human being)and for your P.S.
Branka from Belgrade

Anonymous said...

Hi Branka and Happy Birthday to you!
Hope you sell all those neat little "crazy" boxes.
from cold, sunny New York,

 gmirage said...

Wow, so much creativity...she'd surely sell 'em all!

Meead said...

Hi Bibi. It's been a while that I hadn't time to visit your blog (not only yours but others' also, sorry) but I always thought about you. Now I'm here to visit all the photos I've missed and say you hi and miss you. :)

Chuck Pefley said...

I wish Branka well, too, in her new birth year. Those boxes are indeed unique and represent a great deal of work. Hoping she is amply rewarded!

Jane Hards Photography said...

With her occupation and hobby I wonder what Branka would analyze about herself. These look fun and cheery in a harsh dull world Good luck on a new venture and maybe a website.

Mim said...

what great boxes I hope she did well at the show. Happy Birthday Branka

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Thérèse said...

I hope your friend did well. Perfect timing too.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.