Very busy today and didn't have time to take any photos here in Belgrade! This one is from last Wednesday, when my son and I left Athens. These Greek Orthodox priests were on their way somewhere, but not on our plane. I feel reassured when there's a man (or woman, for that matter) of the cloth on a plane I ride on....
Always nice to rub shoulders with the well connected.
ha ha good sentiment as i will be flying back to london tomorrow night. have missed my daily visits to you. hugs.
I wonder where they are off to.
Hope your cold is much better - stay warm. We are off to Palm Dessert for a few days - it's not tropical but it's awfully pretty this time of year.
Oh my, do those hats fit in the overhead storage?
A person of the cloth and Dr are on my list. They make a striking contrast to the blue, white and light surrounding.
I like all the blue elements in this photo!
Yes, all the best disaster movies have a nun on the plane!!
I can't remember the last time I saw an airport that empty...... Sign of the times???
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